Jank39 ★
Re: Elders Bane
I think that is quite a general question as everyone would have been at different stages of their roster/mcoc progression. You'll find there will have been a good number of more serious players who w… (View Post)3 -
Re: Domino or Starlord to R5?
As an FYI i do have Blade at R5 already... (View Post)1 -
Another AW post - results are predetermined
So this has become the norm in AW of late.... Get matched up against a stronger alliance, both clear 100% of the maps, both have perfect diversity but the alliance with the higher defender rating get… (View Post)5 -
Re: MCOC market offering - A case study by some finance guy
Thanks for the advice. It is done! (View Post)4 -
MCOC market offering - A case study by some finance guy
Kabam, I don’t post much but am a pretty active member and part of an alliance that has a great mix of players from those that have spent heavily to guys like me; “Uncollected” with your standard r4 … (View Post)38