Another AW post - results are predetermined

So this has become the norm in AW of late.... Get matched up against a stronger alliance, both clear 100% of the maps, both have perfect diversity but the alliance with the higher defender rating gets a few extra points which in effect acts as a tie breaker but the team who had more skill and "die" less isn't rewarded.... My understanding was that the reason to remove defender kills was to and I quote:
"The goal of this change was to encourage Summoners to continue their assault on the opposing Alliance, without having to worry about giving them more points, and to avoid that feeling of defeat after only trying one fight and being beaten"
So what you've done now is just garuanteed the result but put it off till after the war which most of us are finding EVEN MORE frustrating?!? Honestly, please tell us what is the point in trying when you come up against a higher rated alliance? Wars in many cases are just becoming more and more futile...
Kabam, is this really what you set out to achieve? Functioning as intended?
The problem has never been the nodes, or the war map, its the fact that some champs just outright suck for war and every person is based on an RNG system to get champions. War is basicly roulette, hope the system lands in your favor.
The most hurt my feelings are actually when i open a 5* featured crystal and donot get that champ.. So according to that logic, i should get respins until i get a champ that i like, or my feelings would stay hurt. Lol.
A forum is a place to discuss ideas and opinions. If you don't agree, feel free to give an alternate opinion... failing that, I'd respectfully suggest you keep your unamusing comments to yourself...