Re: Removal of Revive Farming and the Apothecary Discussion
So let me get this straight. Us players spend hours in game farming items (revives/potions) to spend MORE legit time in game to complete content and somehow we’re the bad guys and this needs to be ne… (View Post)9 -
Re: Silver Surfer Buff
Surfer DEFINITELY needs a buff! 40 seconds to take down peni?? 🙄 #buffsurfer (View Post)2 -
What’s with the CGR hype?
I get that he has BIG yellow numbers and is incinerate immune but his play style/rotation look too specific and long to get to those numbers lol Is it just me or is EVERYONE overlooking the fact that… (View Post)11 -
Re: Upcoming Cull Obsidian and Ebony Maw Balance Changes
TEST YOUR DAMN CHAMPS! First you nerf a champ that’s been out for years (she hulk) who’s had that ability since day one, even AFTER you buffed and “re-tested’ her but just because she can take down t… (View Post)6 -
Re: Community's Choice: Champion Update
The only champs that should be on this list are 2015 mutant champs! Cause they’re all useless and your game seems to only hand them out, instead of the other classes when I 100% any chapter in varian… (View Post)1