KingCrooks ★
Re: First 3/35? And TWO 4* gems!
5* first always, 4* are barely worth ranking, only Wolvie and SW since u can't get one above 4* (View Post)1 -
Re: Which of my 5* champs have useful utility
They're all decent champs, fortunate you haven't pulled all bottom tier like a lot of us lol (View Post)2 -
Re: Best way to make as many units as possible
Areeeenaaaaaaaaa. The famous comment by Seatin "grind arena until you hate yourself, And then grind some more" (View Post)1 -
Re: Pasword
Kabam technical support. In game click the settings icon then technical support. When u reach the forum screen, search for 'password' and it should show u the option. (View Post)2 -
Re: Gifting Event
@Kabam lol (View Post)1