KnightZero ★★★★★
Raids and War
Just wanted to refresh my memory, but if we use a champ in Raids, since we're locked in for the week pretty much, can we join war with that same champ? (View Post)1 -
Re: Magic Thief - NEEDS NERF ASAP
Kabam literally sucking the fun out of war. There is literally no fun with this global, called it the minute it came out. With all the AI issues and then the nodes itself, adding the global and it's … (View Post)5 -
Re: What are Your Predictions for Comp Today?
Compensation is a joke. Saying that it is for the iPhone issue and that you're looking at item usage before and after is an even bigger joke. Kabam themselves told folks to reduce high level content,… (View Post)10 -
Re: Unbalanced compensation for ongoing gameplay issues.
Monthly EQ? Side events? Also, it's been months since the bug and will take a few more months to fix it as well. Asking someone to stop solo content for over 7 months because they don't want to give … (View Post)9 -
Re: New Objectives
What about those who don't have any 6* to rank up without using catalysts? Or all max 3* etc. What about those who are short on ISO? Short on gold? (View Post)8