Krishna24 ★★★
Re: Who are the top 3 OBJECTIVELY best champions in the game?
Give your metrics on which the objective opinion is based on and then we can say (View Post)1 -
Where are the posts on BG rewards
I have been looking for the past few hours to post comments on them and waiting for rewards. To my surprise, I am seeing none (View Post)6 -
Re: We want buffs for uncommon champs!
Pheonix or jean grey, need a complete overhaul (View Post)2 -
Re: Stream Recap - July 5, 2024
thats a nice 7* gift, but poor me cant login into Kabam account on summoner market. Can they just send the gift in-game :( (View Post)1 -
Re: Anyone else giving up on Deathless King Groot (and therefore Thanos) just from this first WoW fight?
I would rather explore Necro to get Valiant than do Wow (View Post)9