Krishna24 ★★★
cull obsidian and Captain Britain
Do you need line or discord?
I love using Domino and AA may not be effective when opponent is bleed or poison immune
show the number of fights done
AA having best and worse days of his life.
yes!!!! finally, I reached 18k prestige now, can I join? sent a line invite
whats your prestige requirement?
Its rigged, strange got shafted again
Is anyone keeping track of number of posts requesting to revert back the old menu UI
Hold your water else your crystal pull maybe effected
Be careful with that crit monkey in path 1
I would rather collect the rewards from stash than jumping into that menu and God I hate to go there to see some details
Just sit with the guides provided by some good folks in the community, figure out if you have the counters make sure you have some revive stash and decide for yourself. It's fairly easy if you have all counters as at least r3 6*.
Took my 7* rank3 surfer
why move, just add additional units to other modes
I would say wait till Deathless Thanos comes and if you feel he is worthy, you can buy the remaining pieces of KG you miss. Does anyone have any idea when Deathless Thanos will be coming? Coming to me I don't own any Deathless champ and have to spend 50k units to get both :neutral:
Still, you could get 24 points. you would have 16 points even missing that objective and now you will get total of 8 doing all objectives in last week
Nice food for my r3 Shuri
where 0 option?
I dont have serpent, whom should I take for right side I am thinking of Herc, Odin and ?
Damn our ally rewards are on hold, there's a black sheep among us, maybe a bunch
Give your metrics on which the objective opinion is based on and then we can say
If you enjoy the game then play, why pay mercs to get content done? I am telling you clearing the content yourself gives me a good feel added with some sweet rewards (let's not talk about RNG for now :( . Clearly, the guy didn't pay the merc and you are suffering now.
sherlock is here
Can you suggest a team and buffs for my mini account, I want to run 10 zones in saga incursions
How much sig angela need ? unawakened is good 7* rank 1?
Pheonix or jean grey, need a complete overhaul
This was useful for me, thanks
crystal luck goes up by 17.5%, is that a relative scale? mine is just terrible, lol