LordScatsbury ★
Calendar Bug - Is this normal ?
For some reason I’ve started receiving the 7 day calendar for pre - uncollected players even though I already get the cavalier Calendar and have done for 3 months. Is this normal ? (View Post)2 -
Re: I can't parry Consistently!!!!!
I think I know what’s happening here, I think he’s talking about 5.2.4 instead of 5.2.5, where the enemy shrugs off debuffs instantly through the masochism node. Meaning that his parries only work in… (View Post)3 -
Why is Thing not Poison Immune ?
I’ve been going for my recent completion of chapter 1 variant 2 and have made it to 1.3 with no revives or potions. Sadly I have no gladiator hulk so I decided to go the poison route with the full th… (View Post)9 -
Really Enjoying the Event quests @"Kabam Miike" , seems very balanced with a great storyline. Just one problem, ICE PHOENIX . (View Post)2