LordSmasher ★★★★★
Re: Summoners Assemble: Vote now for my next Rank 5 6-Star
The OG Dual Threat and the best use of the bleed mastery since blade. Why vote for anyone else? (View Post)2 -
Re: AI reparry in Alliance war
It shouldn't be like that but all champs with a double-hit first medium suffer the problem. They tried to fix it 3-4 months back but broke too much in the process. (View Post)2 -
Re: Alliance Wars: the long-term nerf that nobody talks about
Down here in Tier 5 its been the emptiest off season for a long time. People don't want to play the mode because its just not fun. (View Post)1 -
Re: Magic Thief - NEEDS NERF ASAP
Thing is our planning consists of assigned paths. The same 3/4 people take most of the bosses and I'm sure its similar in lots of Tier 5 alliances. Many of our players lack the skills and or rosters … (View Post)9 -
Re: Relic Binding/Unbinding Not Working
She has the "in Alliance War" icon going (View Post)1