Summoners Assemble: Vote now for my next Rank 5 6-Star

DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 544 ★★★
Hey there, you glorious bunch of Summoners!

So, remember that time I was stuck in decision limbo about which 6* champion to rank 5? Well, thanks to your epic input, I've managed to narrow it down to a fab five contenders.

Here's the scoop: I'm about to get a shiny 6* Rank Up Gem (4 to 5), and I need your help deciding who gets the VIP treatment. After sifting through all your glorious suggestions, I've whittled it down to five champions: Nick Fury, Kingpin, Scorpion, Cosmic Ghost Rider, and Archangel. Tough choices, right? That's where you come in!

Now, here's where things get interesting — I've set up this poll for you all to cast your votes! And here's the kicker: if we can rally over 100 votes, I'll let the community decide my fate. That's right, I'm putting my trust in you guys! So, head over to the poll and let your voice be heard.

Summoners Assemble: Vote now for my next Rank 5 6-Star 86 votes

Nick Fury
CupidEgretM410or_StrongLordSmasherDaywalkerXAyden_noah1AngusMac279peixemacacoEwell65SSS69RenaxqqSwagerMasterJinxEternityElwindbrownlikebambiDab_westXFREEDOMXSilentArisjdschwparas282000R4ID3R 20 votes
Talha305RajaAjisdopeTerraNescioevilKINGwilsonThatGuyYouSaw235MoosetiptronicSagacious0wlZeezooscaptain_rogersPowerofpain1001Dfour24AzenstarThePredator1001willrun4adonutZarkdingoDerpyEagleTNK_131Cloudddey_broMidi 20 votes
Rayven5220blurblotjcphillips7Wolf911ChaosKingUltragamerFr4s3rLicky13579rebel_M0NKEYNUTSBirbmanThe_1140[Deleted User]shield311 14 votes
Cosmic Ghost Rider
DONZALOOG1234puretexan_23Repto23IamnikeSpadeHunterValkyrion99Krishna24Tsuyoshi_SenpaiBuggyDClownNONYABIZZJack2634SchnoodleDuffman98JbarkerSuperstar_1126RoddyRodster77Wong_99MasterAGrub88Ignieel 23 votes
Sundance_2099GyanemdjerWonderfulloser1948QwerasdManbatnContestoChampioSagaChampionLegend_WriterBrill_14 9 votes


  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Nick Fury
    Well, well, well, look at us go! A whole 2 hours have passed, and we've got a whopping 10 votes on the poll. Ten! Can you feel the excitement in the air? Yeah, me neither. But hey, who's counting? Oh, right, I am! Only 90 votes left to go before we decide the fate of my next Rank 5 6-Star champion. So, you know, no pressure or anything. Keep those votes coming, Summoners! DeadManWade's fate hangs in the balance... kind of.
  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★★
    Nick Fury
    The OG Dual Threat and the best use of the bleed mastery since blade. Why vote for anyone else?
  • Joey_Joe_joe_27Joey_Joe_joe_27 Member Posts: 124 ★★
    I’m sort of curious, what’s the point in making this post? You already have one asking people who you should r5. There’s no need to clutter the forums with double posts
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,583 ★★★★★
    I stand by scorpion. He will benefit the most from it.
  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Nick Fury

    I’m sort of curious, what’s the point in making this post? You already have one asking people who you should r5. There’s no need to clutter the forums with double posts

    Oh, hey there, Mr. Sunshine! Thanks for raining on my parade with your "helpful" comment. You see, I like to keep things spicy in the forums, give people a little something extra to chew on, like a chimichanga with extra hot sauce. But hey, if my double posts are cramping your style, feel free to grab some shades because things are about to get even brighter with my triple post!

    Keep spreading that sunshine, pal! B)
  • Joey_Joe_joe_27Joey_Joe_joe_27 Member Posts: 124 ★★
    Interesting choice to be bragging about post spamming considering that’s against TOS
  • TheSaithTheSaith Member Posts: 647 ★★★
    I've all of them , and honestly i never felt low on CGR , scorpion ,and fury . I don't use AA much , but scor , cgr and Fury always go with champs all are ascended r4 , feels good
  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Nick Fury

    Interesting choice to be bragging about post spamming considering that’s against TOS

    Oh, looks like we've got ourselves a real stickler for the rules! Thanks for the heads up, Sheriff. But hey, if my “double posts” are really rustling your spandex, feel free to give 'em the ol' report-a-roo. But hey, in the meantime, maybe take a chill pill, buddy. Life's too short to get all worked up over some friendly forum fun.
  • M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Member Posts: 269 ★★
    I use scorpion the most out of that list, in multiple game modes.
  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Nick Fury
    We're almost 24 hours into the poll and already rocking 68 votes! Thanks to all who've voted! And to those who haven't, let's make some magic happen! 32 votes to go, and then it's decision time. Let's do this!
  • jdschwjdschw Member Posts: 557 ★★★
    Nick Fury
    69. Nobody else vote. This is the correct number of votes.
  • DaywalkerXDaywalkerX Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Nick Fury
    jdschw said:

    69. Nobody else vote. This is the correct number of votes.

    Hey there, Voter Number 69! Unfortunately (for you) we've already zoomed past that magic number with a whopping 73 votes! Now, we're only 27 votes away from hitting our three-digit goal!
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