MR_61088 ★★
Re: New galan suit???
Ironheart too (View Post)2 -
Re: Revives on 5.4.6
There is norhing to nerf because there is nothing where you can farm. Apothecary ftw! (View Post)14 -
Re: Where are incursion objectives
Reading is so hard…. (View Post)14 -
Re: No Mention of Kate’s Special 2 Being Fixed
Ah yeah „bugfixes“ follows after the rebalance Info. So wait with a rank up. They probably „tune down“ the slowing animation, Because 100% of every player can hit a perfect release and that was not t… (View Post)2 -
Re: July 4th Sales and Game Economy
The competetive nature of the game is gone. Totally. To gain the top rewards you need to clear content, to catch up (not to overtake) you can use the offers, deals what ever… Feels really bad atm (View Post)16