Maniek79 ★
Re: Skip Dialogue not working right...EQ
Please help this ASAP, it is so annoying to tap this skip button hundreds of times. Also it could be useful to add possibility to disable dialogs at all (in the configuration). (View Post)1 -
Re: Kabaam..please don't tell me this is parry/dex bug all over again
Android version. Same issues, even dashing back, sometimes the character instead of back moves forward (and no, it wasn't Emma Frost fight ;) ). (View Post)1 -
Re: So I guess increased difficulty at lower levels especially Proven is going to stay
To the point: "Kabam give us autofight for free. Than autofight is bad, lets make people to stop using it. Lets make uncollected ridiculous hard and time-consuming for guys who have real life pr… (View Post)21 -
Re: Uncollected EQ
Ok, now we have February and still no EQ NERF to previous level. Also prizes are same as before January. That's RIP for exploring. (View Post)4 -
Re: The difficulty increase is ridiculous
5 6* R3 knocked out on uncollected, yeah "slightly " tuned lol 😂 Ok, I'm not a guy that analysing nodes for half an hour before hit uncollected difficulty. I'm done this month with E… (View Post)19