McFernie ★
Re: Is Sorc Supreme still relevant?
Nice point…25% longer stuns (View Post)1 -
Re: Is Sorc Supreme still relevant?
Thank you all, very clarifying (View Post)1 -
Is Sorc Supreme still relevant?
Hi everyone. Finally pulled her after years eluding me. She used to rock a while ago, but no one talks about her anymore. Do you guys think she’s still useful after the recent batch of uber mystics? (View Post)3 -
Re: Kang 7.3 problems
Well, it took me a while to myself to realize what was happening with the charges, coming and going ‘randomly’. Everyone has to learn mate. (View Post)2 -
Re: Looking for Active Newbies, Retiring players and Guys that want a break from Grinding on Game
We have two slots for you guys, but Line is a must. Pls tell me if interested (View Post)1