Ngoalong711 ★★
Re: This Victory Track Meta sucks.
i don't like this meta at all but somehow i won 16 in a row now. have not lost a match yet. but i don't like it. (View Post)3 -
Re: Realm Events… just gross
i'm not comunist (View Post)2 -
Re: Show me some of your 7* r3 champs!
my rank 3 are exactly like you. unduped maestro and mysterio (View Post)1 -
Re: Maestro or Photon to r5 ??
all you need is to do another 5 paths to get maestro but getting photon as 7* is something totally base on RNG. your next titan could be her or maybe you need 5 years to get her. i have them both and… (View Post)1 -
Re: Who is your highest sig 7* at this point?
when 7 star get in the game. i opened 5 crystals and 3 bishops. (View Post)1