No_More_Heroes ★★
Re: where is 5star Joe FIx?
#TooBadHeIsYourTopChampCauseHeIsGarbage (View Post)1 -
Re: List of champs that won't get 5* version
Save your gift can expect a 5* Vision this coming XMas. Probably for $1000 dollars. Lmao (View Post)7 -
Re: Random Question
Because they're too lazy to code specific immunities for each and every energy type of interaction. Why would it be too OP? how many champs even cause shock power and where in the content would it ga… (View Post)1 -
Re: are 30 min timers for this AQ or this DD?
Going forward can you please type out Dormammus Dominion every single time so as not to confuse everyone with Daredevil. Thanks. (View Post)6 -
Re: 5* Groot.
He's garbage tier. Sucks. I know the feeling. (View Post)12