Notcho59 ★
Re: Emma Frost wiffing (View Post)1 -
Re: Iceman Coldsnap vs Glaive Immunity
For e (View Post)1 -
Re: 6 star Blade, Spider-Man(Stark enhanced) and 6 star Ghost Rider
I second this (View Post)7 -
Re: Class and Rarity Gates - Discussion Thread
I just want to reiterate that class restrictions is fine. Gate restrictions are arbitrary and feel like a money grab. I've spent over 2 thousand dollars over the past two years which is a low amount … (View Post)6 -
Re: Class and Rarity Gates - Discussion Thread
I have 100% completed act 6.1 The biggest hurdle was overcoming not having my synergy champions on my team which definitely cost me a few extra revives. This is why we "the community" insis… (View Post)5