Rebark ★★★
Re: I just pulled Shathra, is she mid? Did she get passed on a buff if she is?
you just described all the champions that were released in 2023 and 2024 (View Post)15 -
Re: 7* Kate or Zemo
are u trying to farm desagrees? (View Post)3 -
Re: When do you think we will start seeing r4 7*
You made a mistake, you can't ask when 7 R4 or 8 stars are coming on this forum, they will automatically interpret that you are asking for them to come. (View Post)1 -
Re: Silver Sable Balance Update Ideas
She and Enchantress need to be removed from the game and players who obtained them should be refunded. (View Post)4 -
Re: Spider-Punk has as secret😳😳😱
It's really a dirty secret 😳😳😱 (View Post)3