RicoShay ★★★
Re: Where’s your Glorious Guardians AG going?
Maybe a first? (View Post)27 -
Re: Did I win the GGC Box?
Maybe… (View Post)5 -
Re: Karnak is a little too greedy
Thanks for the explanation @Cat_Murdock @Ace2319. (View Post)1 -
Re: What is the Highest Amount of Units you’ve had at once?
There's a guy in our alliance who grinded arenas all year for the gifting event and by the end of their grind had more than 192k. When gifting came around I think they had 200k which is pretty insane… (View Post)7 -
Re: What is the Highest Amount of Units you’ve had at once?
This photo is from 2 months before gifting. I believe they purchased some odins to get above the 200k line but the guy is an insane player. Warbound several times, amazing alliance leader, super skil… (View Post)11