RunamokUSA ★★★
Re: March Side Quest - Phoenix Force 5
Side quests used to have some awesome rewards. Now we just get mysterium to spend in the traders outpost. Have they lost all creativity that we think this will keep players engaged? I am so tired of … (View Post)9 -
Re: SUMMONER’S SIGIL SUBSCRIPTION (Updated 1/15 to include additional comp for Arena Express)
I am upset with all the resources that I am having to sell now as my inventory caps have been lowered, I don’t get why they couldn’t have done a better job on how they planned for this. Putting every… (View Post)14 -
Re: Please dont ever do anything similar to the new sq
Juice is not worth the squeeze (View Post)4 -
Re: Act 9.2 Beta Gone?
It was very frustrating that I rearranged my schedule to free up time to focus on this, and then, BAM! No Beta for you! (View Post)2 -
Re: Act 9.2 Beta Gone?
Very disappointing to have no response from Kabam. (View Post)1