SSGNick556 ★
Re: SUMMONER’S SIGIL SUBSCRIPTION (Updated 1/15 to include additional comp for Arena Express)
Can someone please explain the compensation piece? I'm really confused. How can you have over 571+ days remaining on sigil? You can't buy more than one per "month". Currently once you buy t… (View Post)1 -
Re: Happy August! Legendary Incursions is FULL of mode improvements
I like the incursions side event like the one before and this one is a bit better with regards to the actual game content. However, the mind and body filament things really missed the mark. Not only … (View Post)3 -
Re: Alliance War Compensation [merged]
@"Kabam Miike" The majority expect season rewards as compensation because it is what you have done in the past when taking down war seasons. And this is an exceptional **** job with this su… (View Post)1 -
Re: Alliance War Compensation [merged]
This again misses the mark. How is this a "compensation" package? Compensation for us losing out items that had to expire cause yall took down and cant get right the revamped war season aft… (View Post)2 -
Re: Alliance War Compensation [merged]
Absolutely a slap in the face to the community! Smh (View Post)7