Saint_Mart74 ★
Youtubers Turn Off Suicides When Showcasing Champs
To showcase a new or buffed champs' damage potential, with Suicides on, is not giving an accurate assessment. Not all summoners (like myself) run suicides. When you pull a champ from a crystal, Suici… (View Post)21 -
Game Rework for August, September, November
How about reworking the game @kabam John Champion reworks are pointless if you can't even test them due to input issues. If you put effort into fixing the game as much as you do in improving champs, … (View Post)6 -
Re: My current 6* champions from first to latest..
Are we comparing sizes here? Which is longer or which is wider? Lol. (View Post)2 -
Re: Game is still bugged
What's the purpose of having the game down 2-3 hours for maintenance if nothing gets fixed. What are you guys doing during maintenance? Please be transparent with the community. 🤔🤔🤔 (View Post)8 -
AQ Map 4 is not awarding points
I'm not being awarded points when winning a match . (View Post)1