SassyMasty ★
Re: Is alliance war worth it?
Join a laid back alliance, probably between gold 3 and silver 3 and do wars when you can... I'm in a silver 1 alliance and I just do wars because I'm bored. (View Post)1 -
Re: EQ Chapter 3 hyperion is impossible 😭
I did those 3 paths first because I knew they would be a pain... My 2 ways were: 1. Magik and hope he doesn't l3 first attack 2. Hail mary with SW Both were 4* so it is possible. I got past with thos… (View Post)2 -
Re: What 4 star should I max out?
The recent venom update made him a powerhouse. (View Post)2 -
Re: Brawl is the worst..
All that needs to change is that the unstoppable timer should start again after the unstoppable ends and not during it. (View Post)14 -
Re: Which Class contains the best champions
I see a lot of people have chosen mystic, probably thinking of magik, SW and even SS, but I think cosmic is better. Hyperion Medusa Angela Corvus and Proxima Venom Symbiote Spidey Hela Thor Even Rona… (View Post)3