SassyMasty ★
Why is Void so good?
I've been seeing a lot of support for ranking up void both on this forum and on reddit, especially if he's awakened. I was wondering if anyone else had this opinion, and if so, why? I have a 4* 4/40 … (View Post)3 -
Re: GULK 'Face Me' either needs to be re-written or start working as is written.
I might have this wrong but face me shpuld trigger against a PASSIVE DAMAGE OVER TIME EFFECT. The way I think Kabam thinks its being sly is they are trying to say that debuffs aren't effects which is… (View Post)2 -
Re: What is your favorite Special 2 in terms of animation style?
- Corvus - Punisher 2099 - Masacre - Kang - Joe Fixit - Heimdall (View Post)1 -
Re: Is an awakened 5* Star Lord worth maxing out?
Karnak is definitely my favorite champ right now. He is rank 4 and had been a top champ of mine for a while. I run the lc suicide with willpower and the irf team (karnak medusa and black bolt) so he … (View Post)3 -
Re: When Will MCOC Give us the Best Awakening Gems Deal Ever
If you do the first chapter of the CM event quest you get a 4* awakening gem and I think if you do the whole event you get a generic 4* ag if you're looking for some. (View Post)3