SmallTimeANT ★
Re: Took a very long break, updates would help.
From a best champ in the game perspective: 1. Hercules 2. Everyone else (View Post)5 -
Re: I despise mantis
I used cgr for the first three runs and kitty for the other two. Cgr just out damaged the nodes before they kicked in (View Post)2 -
Re: Who's your "Swiss Army Knife"?
If it can be bled and poisoned, AA. If it’s metal, red mags. I’m a simple man with a simple plan 😎 (View Post)7 -
Re: Googly Eyes on MCOC Champs
I honestly thought thing was unedited. Fits him so well lol. (View Post)2 -
Re: 1st r2 🤔
Btw that’s some filthy stinkin luck (View Post)3