SonOfArgu16 Guardian
Re: Monthly event quest 2.2.2 Bugged
Check the bottom path, the bottom path from the starting node should lead to middle path. One of the teleporting nodes became a choice node leading to its actual path and the middle path (View Post)1 -
Re: Date.Game Episode 3 Rewards/Encounters Infographic
Why does Threat Level 4 reward more 6* shards than the Level 5? (View Post)7 -
Re: I got a 6 star deadpool x force, should I be sad or mad
Sad to say, I have Drax, Iron Fist, OG Iron Man, and even Patriot (View Post)1 -
Re: New Kits/Buffs for Old Champs
Thoughts for OG Spider-Man Buff/Kit: His basic attacks place web shots on his opponents. Let's say 30% chance per light attack which decreases by 5% if consecutive, while 50% percent for Medium attac… (View Post)1 -
Re: SQ Tickets missing. Help!
Check inventory, the resource summary states Ep. 1, today's stubs go to ep. 2 (View Post)2