TheCaptain412 ★★★
Re: Generic Sig Stones
CAIW, because he’s my favorite comic book character and after waiting almost 3 years to get him as 6* (still don’t have him at 5*), I wanted to be able to use him at maximum utility. (View Post)2 -
Re: Share your GBC and 6* Crystals rewards!
Disappointment, which is why I won’t be disappointed. (View Post)29 -
Re: How many 2* do you have
142 of them, which isn’t as many as the loser who runs my alliance. He’s got like 174 of them. (View Post)3 -
Re: How many units have you saved for Cyber Weekend ?
28K at present, with 9.5MM battlechips on hand as well. (View Post)9 -
Re: List of outdated things in game
The “Help 10” button. Why can’t it just be “Help All”, or does Kabam take some perverse pleasure in making us tap the screen like monkeys to get through 100s of help requests? (View Post)2