TheVyrus ★★★
Re: Banquet 2024 Retrospective
In other words, whales and mega-whales will get the rewards no matter what, so maybe we can bleed the average player of any expendable income they may have. Typical corporate decision. (View Post)3 -
Re: Who's "YOUR" Champ
Falcon (View Post)0 -
Re: Which character needs a buff the most?
Iron Fist Literally has no kit (View Post)0 -
Re: Do you like the new UI?
What device do you use? I have always been able to pull down a menu, Android device here. I can certainly understand your POV if you needed to load the home every time (View Post)4 -
Re: Do you like the new UI?
That was never my experience. Maybe I am misunderstanding, but the menu has always been pull down. The extra clicks I see is that menu that replaces the scrolling windows I never had to touch. (View Post)2