Twist1298 ★★
Sigil Solo Event
Anybody have any information on when this event will go live???? (View Post)1 -
Re: Why The Sigil Store Nerf?
Allow me to rephrase it this way while some things in the update are a W. Some things do feel like a L. I think losing out on 20%boost for Gold and the HP potions trade in is a L. Just like with the … (View Post)2 -
Re: Why The Sigil Store Nerf?
It's forcing people to spend money to get the credits from the store vs being able to play for them through objectives, definitely not a good idea at all (View Post)0 -
Re: Math ain't mathin at Kabam
Just like most things are, it's always geared towards the end game players vs everyone else even though the numbers are a majority non end game. It will always be this way unless the game ends or som… (View Post)0 -
Re: Banquet 2024 Retrospective
I agree with absolutely everything you said here and unfortunately yes the Kabam economist definitely thought this was a excellent idea, but I have to admit that last line made me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (View Post)4