Vuska ★
Re: Prepare to Enter the Battlegrounds! Open Beta March 14-21
in this mode.... we fight the deff and the deff controlled by AI ?? not real time 1 vs 1 ? (View Post)1 -
Re: Champion Breakdown: Cosmic Ghost Rider
Sorry.... what is Heavy-Cancel ? different from heavy attack right ? How ? (View Post)1 -
Re: DO NOT UNINSTALL AT THIS TIME!!!!! (7-23-2020)
And 27.2.5 is full of lag... dont update it (View Post)1 -
Re: AW TILE 23 with Tunnel Vision + Oscillate + Aggression Fury ??!?!
My Korg that only *5 R4 on node 23, kill 18 enemies and still has 30% left... I think kabam should re think about this node. (View Post)2 -
Re: Shut down Alliance Wars as a game mode permanently.
Then you don't understand how ip work... Do you ever try to check your ip when you moving around town or country? Or maybe you just at home and play from there? That's not the solusion and that's why… (View Post)3