Wozzle007 ★★★★★
Re: Nightmare Raids Compensation Should Be For Everyone
I understand the sentiment of this post. 1 of our BGs did nightmare raids and the other 2 didn’t. I chose not to do it as thought it would be bugged and that we would struggle to complete it until we… (View Post)14 -
Re: Post your Titan Pulls Here
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Re: Communications Post-Miike/Jax
You have Karate Mike now employed to do the Deep Dives. These are often how really snappy 5 min vids. Rich The Man does good breakdown vids of events and the there requirements but these are always a… (View Post)7 -
Re: SUMMONER’S SIGIL SUBSCRIPTION (Updated 1/15 to include additional comp for Arena Express)
I stopped getting the Sigil store around 9 months ago as it just wasn’t worth it. Not sure this is a massing upgrade based on where the game is. The updated trade is in ok, but we don’t really get th… (View Post)10 -
Re: lack of accountability from kabam
It’s not just about what the analytics show this year. It’s about 2 years running of rubbish banquet crystals that will put off people participating next year, with the exception of whales who will a… (View Post)20