Wozzy101 ★★★
Would you rank 3 IMIW
So I have a tech T5CC from an abyss run 3 months ago. The only tech 6* champs I have is Red Skull, IMIW, Sentinel. I have sentinel as a 5/65, red skull is red skull. So there’s IMIW. I’ve pulled noth… (View Post)3 -
Re: mcoc haiku 俳句
Did first abyss path Can rank 3 a tech 6* No good tech 6* (View Post)7 -
Re: mcoc haiku 俳句
Props up the meme tier When Synergised with fury bleeding gives you health (View Post)5 -
Re: Those who fight against evil
Yep. They do there best to drain the joy from the game. (View Post)16 -
Re: Cav Mission is not fun and the rewards are fail
The contents an enjoyable challenge but the rewards don’t match the effort/time required to complete it. We’ve all been asking for this new difficulty for ages, because uncollected has become a breez… (View Post)3