Wozzy101 ★★★
Re: Do you remember your first 4, 5, and/or 6*
4*??? 5* Yellow Jacket 6* Morningstar (View Post)1 -
Re: Will Summoner Appreciation Calendar Return ?
Yep (View Post)6 -
How would you use 100x generic 6* Sig stones?
Ok, so I have a rank 3 awakened ghost at Sig 43. I have 100 generic sig stones that I could pump into her. So I guess I’m looking for a view whether to keep these 100 saved in case I dupe CAIW who I … (View Post)4 -
Re: Anyone else dislike this months side quest?
Decent rewards, but soooooooo boring. It’s such a grind, not at all fun to play. Hopefully Kabam take the feedback and avoid making Groundhog Day type content. (View Post)12 -
Re: Shortage of t4cc ?
Not at the moment for me. Have 110 T4CC crystals and loads already opened. I’m really selective on who I rank up these days. I’m only looking to rank up 6* champs and 5* up to rank 3 to make sure I d… (View Post)3