Anyone else dislike this months side quest?

We’re now just over half way through this months side quest and I have to say, I’m finding it mind-numbingly boring.
Yes the rewards are great and worth the grind I guess, but the fact we have to do the same fights over and over is not fun at all. Hopefully Kabam can stay away from this lay-out for SQ’s in the future, as it’s by far my least favourite.
If they could have at least updated the path nodes/champs after 2 weeks, it would have been a much better improvement.
Yes the rewards are great and worth the grind I guess, but the fact we have to do the same fights over and over is not fun at all. Hopefully Kabam can stay away from this lay-out for SQ’s in the future, as it’s by far my least favourite.
If they could have at least updated the path nodes/champs after 2 weeks, it would have been a much better improvement.
The really grindy one is the mutant one
Some progress and still trying to get 4 furies.
That said, I'm not at all impressed by the set-up and communication of the event. I shouldn't need a master's degree or to watch countless YouTube videos to figure out how to maximize the rewards for an event (neither of which I did, and subsequently, I'm sure I'm missing out on rewards).
To stave off repetition, I like to see what type of Pacify effects come into play each time and whether or not they disadvantage me. Also interesting to try different champs to heavy counter Rogue.
Dr. Zola