doctorb ★★★★
Which of following would u choose?
Two 7* crystals Or One 7* nexus crystal? (View Post)1 -
Re: Do we want (finally) a revamp of this OG X-men ?
Phoenix and Rogue need it waaaaaayyy more!! (View Post)0 -
Re: Kabam if you think a 7* champion is worth 9500 units, then I'll sell you my 7* for 9500 units
They should bring back selling option but add 2 - step process. U click to sell a hero, it shows picture of hero and ask if u want to sell hero. U click yes and it ask r u sure u want to sell this he… (View Post)0 -
Re: Proposal of a new enhanced practice mode
I like ur idea. I think they should also have 'practice' option for end game contents. It definitely would help against Ares. You click to begin the content / quest and it gives you option to 'begin … (View Post)0 -
Re: Fantastic Four 4 Trailer
Don't like it! Probably will skip this or give it a try once it's FREE. Otherwise not worth my money (View Post)1