fitenite ★
Re: Champion 6.2.6 Is Impossible to Beat For My Account
This is why I have a 5* max sig Thing. Thing (sig 200) is a cheat code for dexing the specials. After the champion fills the sp bar go all the way back against the wall and keep spamming back-dash. I… (View Post)3 -
Re: SUMMONER’S SIGIL SUBSCRIPTION (Updated 1/15 to include additional comp for Arena Express)
First question: What happens to the arena express mode for that 2 week gap? Because I use that feature frequently, and that's my #1 reason for purchasing the sigil. 2nd question: Right now I have 486… (View Post)32 -
Re: Best exalted crystal!
This was my best exalted opening. I was sitting with 1 tech AG and deciding between Shocker vs Prowler while my 7 star sig stones were hours away from expiring, and then the answer came lmao (View Post)5 -
Re: SUMMONER’S SIGIL SUBSCRIPTION (Updated 1/15 to include additional comp for Arena Express)
Pros: we get 155 more units a month, yay cons: the trade-in store is a complete nightmare one example- currently, a 6 star crystal costs 25k 5 star shards for paragon players, and 33k 5 star shards f… (View Post)9 -
Re: Day 3- Still no calendar for 10x10 champs
it's working now, for day 4 I got my calendar back. If they send the missing champs, great. i'll wait a couple days and see if they send the missing champs before submitting a ticket. It's an alt acc… (View Post)1