raviXsharma ★★★
Re: Last 10 glorious reveal - thoughts?
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Re: Can anyone explain me future ant man
For damage in short fights, Intercept, punish heavy etc to build armour ups. Above 5-6 armour ups, the opponent gets more aggressive so keeping armour ups get easier Build up to SP2 now. There will b… (View Post)1 -
Re: Thanks kabam
I've opened two of them and got Black Cat both the times. (View Post)2 -
Re: need tips for 8.4.6
I used Bishop and Doctor Doom with average skills. Almost a solo if I didn't trip this once. Itemless indeed. Uploaded a video when I did it, you can go through if you want. https://youtu.be/d7HwyKZW… (View Post)1 -
Re: Limber mastery
It's helpful if you play battlegrounds or if you get parried a lot in AW / Arenas. You won't see much effect if you don't play these. Personally, I play these and still only have 1 or 2 points in Lim… (View Post)3