rivet ★
Re: Mole-Man true accuracy removed during Frenzy.
It’s a holiday in Canada today, so my guess is that we won’t see any reply until Monday at least (View Post)5 -
Re: Yay ! Mutant Domination Carina Challenge Down
Do you find Cable and white Mag more valuable than using Prof. X and Colossus for the synergies to heal using suicide? Does the Thor fight works without White mag prefight? (View Post)1 -
Re: Cyber Weekend Luck Megathread
My featured crystal hurts (View Post)5 -
Re: Which 6 star arena is better for units?
It’s kind of a simple math, took me around 45 rounds to get all milestones from basic arena (using 5 star r4 and above) around 65 rounds for featured arena (using 6 star only), the units are the same… (View Post)8 -
Re: New Arena Structure Feedback v2.0
I don’t quite understand people complaining needing more effort to get 1-5% in 6 star basic arena, the cutoff score is around 9M in 6 star basic, which means around 95 rounds if you use your r4 and r… (View Post)2