t123459 ★
Re: Insane Amount of Lag against Bullseye in AW Showcase
yes this happened to me as well and only on the AW showcase . that amount of bug only happened there . normally i dont have any problems facing dust or bullseye . (View Post)7 -
Re: So far I'm underwhelmed by Scream (at least in comparison to Medusa)
medusa is better in my op . because she is way too easier to use and even if u say scream can do things medusa cant do which is right ofc if we take bgs Aw and general utility medusa is better (View Post)1 -
Re: I didn't receive the twitch in game mail
Guys (View Post)1 -
Re: I didn't receive the twitch in game mail
Yo guys any response (View Post)0 -
I didn't receive the twitch in game mail
Guys as the title suggests I didn't receive the twitch link e mail I only saw it here or in YouTube. I live in north Africa is it region specific? What should I do @"Kabam Porthos" (View Post)0