xananabanana ★
Re: Contender, Proven, and Conqueror Discussion Thread
Woohoo! 60 units for a PHC! (View Post)1 -
Re: Act 5 Final Boss Ultron- failure and then victory
I soloed him a few times using my 5/50 Medusa. Just don't place a debuff when power gain is next. Once armor shattered, everything was straight forward. (View Post)1 -
Re: Is Magik still a viable defender?
Blades, 5/65 Blades everywhere (View Post)1 -
Re: How many times you pull 5* crystal until you got God Tier champ ??
I got Magik and Quake from my first and third crystals. Then I duped them both from my fourth and fifth respectively. (View Post)6 -
Re: Danger room verdict..... don't waste your time.
Thanks for this. Not everyone in my alliance is doing it because they don't have 2* and 3* ranked up. So we gonna miss the 500 5* shards for not hitting last milestone. Such a shame. @raffster (View Post)1