Should master mode be unlocked permanently so you dont have to buy the key or 100% heroic?

I just completed my 1'st master mode exploration and it got me thinking should you be able to go straight to master when the new event comes out so you dont have to buy the key for 300 units or 100% heroic? I would like your honest opinion
Should master mode be unlocked permanently so you dont have to buy the key or 100% heroic? 74 votes
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Speaking of Master Difficulty, that’s something else we are changing - you will no longer need the ‘key’ to unlock this difficulty. You want to jump right in? Go right ahead! This has long been requested by Summoners, and we’re excited to bring this change to the Battlerealm!. We hope you’ll enjoy this new change, and we promise this is the last time it switches back! From ther post
That's why they came out with Master.