International Date Line travel

Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
I will be travelling soon and it will take me across the international date line...twice. First trip I board a plane on Sunday, cross the date line and land on a Sunday (local time 2 hrs earlier than when I left). The return trip has me leave on a Sunday but land on a Tuesday. My logins wouldn't be any more than 13hrs apart, but the date (as set by my phone adjusting to time zones) would be bouncing around.

Will crossing it cause any issues in the game?

I know most of the game is based on timers, but wasn't sure when it came to daily log-in streaks for the calendars. Possibly any other issues?


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    edited May 2017
    I think the timer is server dependent only. I am now 3 hours time different from home location. The daily login resets at the current location time which corresponds (-3 hour) exactly with time at home location.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I haven't had an issues with hour changes (like daylight savings), just wasn't sure if the Date Line would cause any issues. With the timing of the trip, it could ruin my chances at the monthly calendar rewards.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    Any mods clarification will be indeed very helpful.
  • BigMoBigMo Member Posts: 175
    I travel back and forth between Israel and the US and haven't had any problems with in game timers being messed up. I don't cross a date line but it is 10 hr time difference. I think you would be fine as the timers are all based on Kabams servers.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    edited May 2017
    I travel from U.S. to china and back often and I've never had issues. The time set in game is totally server dependent and has nothing to do with your phone.
  • ProdigiousRugProdigiousRug Member Posts: 14
    I do this every summer and it won't hurt your calendar. However I only had 3 hours to participate in AQ as my trip took 28 hours
  • Kabam SpiceKabam Spice Moderator Posts: 344
    Hey Dex! I don't think the game timers would be affected by this type of travel, however, because this is an odd type of situation that many wouldn't find themselves in, you may wish to get additional clarification from our Support Team.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I can say the game was unaffected travelling from New Zealand to the US (duplicate Sundays).

    We'll see what happens when I return early next week (leave Sunday, skip Monday, land on Tuesday).
  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Safe travels.
  • Mad_RagewolfMad_Ragewolf Member Posts: 103
    what is the standard time again for MCOC?
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Everything is based out of Caifornia, Pacific Time Zone
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