Amped up female boost is not working in attack

So, we finally had a defence to attack in last war and i took psylocke and storm in... the damage they did was exactly the same as without the new global boosts ...
The boost just ain’t working in attack or was that supposed to be a defensive boost?
The boost just ain’t working in attack or was that supposed to be a defensive boost?
It is on ... read the global nodes if u r in tier 5 or above ..
No, they never said that. It's on for the 2 weeks before season and 4 weeks during the season.
Its tier 2. Around 2800 rating
That's exactly what I said right? That they said they will start it few days before actual season (aka 2 weeks)
@Anurag1606 few days=2-3 days. 2 weeks is way longer than would encompass a "few days" so no its not what you said.
Actually I really meant the same. The idea was to convey that the node was going to come before season. Someone said that the boost isn't coming before season. So please stop quoting me and instead shower your knowledge onto those who didn't know that. That would be appreciated.