2015 RankupGem Closure Dilemma

"Rolling back ranked up champions sounds straightfoward, however, the reality is that champion progression is incredibly complex. It very quickly becomes almost impossible to cleanly reverse and has potential to cause even more challenges"
May 2018 you released the "Infinity Nightmare Event Quest" which had a known bug where the summoner was able to receive 100% Uncollected exploration rewards repetitively. This information was more widespread and it took more than week for it to even be posted and inquired about the legitimacy of this glitch.
I for one believe a vast larger selection of people exploited this to their own advantage for the reason of it not being fixed until multiple weeks later and multiple people asking or warning if they should even bother on reddit/forums. However, all ill exploited gains were reversed. How was that not any more complex or almost impossible to cleanly reverse or having the potential to cause more challenges when there was a way higher summoner count for the reverse changes to be applied.
I truly believe "~0.008%" is an immensely lower percentage than people who abused the Infinity Nightmare Event rewards glitch due to it being available longer. I understand i can't compare when this Infinity Nightmare Event rewards glitch was at a much larger scale of exploitation of progression where action had to be made.
With all that being said, i do admit i do not know the percentage of people who abused that Infinity Nightmare glitch but i did read in forums that people went far and beyond with those ill rewards which were reversed.
I'm just pointing out that the reasons given for not reversing this small percentage of people who accidentally or purposefully exploited the 2015 rankupgem situation is a little hard to believe, in my opinion. Is it because when you reverse rankups they lose all signature levels? can't refund the resources of gold/iso/catalysts? Or is it just too small of a percentage to even bother the cost of more potential bugs/glitches?
May 2018 you released the "Infinity Nightmare Event Quest" which had a known bug where the summoner was able to receive 100% Uncollected exploration rewards repetitively. This information was more widespread and it took more than week for it to even be posted and inquired about the legitimacy of this glitch.
I for one believe a vast larger selection of people exploited this to their own advantage for the reason of it not being fixed until multiple weeks later and multiple people asking or warning if they should even bother on reddit/forums. However, all ill exploited gains were reversed. How was that not any more complex or almost impossible to cleanly reverse or having the potential to cause more challenges when there was a way higher summoner count for the reverse changes to be applied.
I truly believe "~0.008%" is an immensely lower percentage than people who abused the Infinity Nightmare Event rewards glitch due to it being available longer. I understand i can't compare when this Infinity Nightmare Event rewards glitch was at a much larger scale of exploitation of progression where action had to be made.
With all that being said, i do admit i do not know the percentage of people who abused that Infinity Nightmare glitch but i did read in forums that people went far and beyond with those ill rewards which were reversed.
I'm just pointing out that the reasons given for not reversing this small percentage of people who accidentally or purposefully exploited the 2015 rankupgem situation is a little hard to believe, in my opinion. Is it because when you reverse rankups they lose all signature levels? can't refund the resources of gold/iso/catalysts? Or is it just too small of a percentage to even bother the cost of more potential bugs/glitches?
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