Ghost Phasing Bug?

As the title says, I have problems with 2 things regarding Ghost's Phasing Ability: Phasing activation and the shrug off effects.


According to in-game description, upon dashing back:
"Begin Phasing for 2 seconds. Phasing won't activate if Ghost is afflicted with an Armor Break Debuff or has a Precision Passive".

So from my understanding of the above, the two conditions are the only ones that would hinder her from activating Phase Mode, otherwise it's always going to activate.

I tested her against two champions who seemed to disable her ability to activate Phasing - Domino and Magneto (Classic).

Domino - her Probability Field Passive reduces opponent's Ability Accuracy by 15%. Sometimes when dashing back, Ghost won't phase and then she suffers Critical Failure damage (if Domino is duped).

Magneto - his Magnetism passive ability reduces the ability accuracy of enemies reliant on metal by 40%. Ghost is #metal.

From my understanding, is there a secondary % variable I'm not seeing that affects her ability to phase apart from the above conditions (armor break or precision passive) or is this a bug?

Shrug Off Effects:

While phasing she shrugs off Damage Over Time debuffs which then converts to a Fury Passive. So far I found Bleed and Poison debuffs get converted to Fury, however some DoT debuffs don't. Such examples include Dormammu's Degen (Soul Leech) signature ability, and Iceman's Coldsnap effects when you get hit by Sp1. Note that Ghost does shrug off Coldsnap at the start of the fight if Iceman's duped, but not when you get hit by the special and attempt to phase.

I haven't tested her on other champions, but I just found these by chance.


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    The Activation part makes sense. Don't know for sure if it is a defensive or offensive ability, but it should be reduced by ability accuracy modifications.

    For the shruf off part, her ability only works with debuffs. It shouldn't work with Dormammu's Degen since it is a passive degen and not a debuff.
    For the Iceman coldsnap, it may be a bug if she really doesn't convert it to a passive fury
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, Ghost's Phasing ability could be affected by ability accuracy reduction, so abilities that reduce ability accuracy could prevent her from Phasing.

    Her Phasing ability can remove damage over time Debuffs, but not passive effects. As another player mentioned, Dormammu's Degeneration is a passive damage over time effect, not a Debuff. As for the interaction with Iceman, would you happen to have any screenshots of this happening? Her Phasing should remove Iceman's Coldsnap debuff, but not his passive Frostbite charges, which are passive effects.
  • TirnockTirnock Member Posts: 56
    Hey there, Ghost's Phasing ability could be affected by ability accuracy reduction, so abilities that reduce ability accuracy could prevent her from Phasing.

    Her Phasing ability can remove damage over time Debuffs, but not passive effects. As another player mentioned, Dormammu's Degeneration is a passive damage over time effect, not a Debuff. As for the interaction with Iceman, would you happen to have any screenshots of this happening? Her Phasing should remove Iceman's Coldsnap debuff, but not his passive Frostbite charges, which are passive effects.

    Oh ok thank you for the clarification. I was just confused in the beginning as it doesn't give any other description that this could also be affected by accuracy reductions. Was thinking she'd have the same conditions as Mordo's Astral Evade. I'm guessing as well that the reason why Ghost has this synergy with The Hood (Ghost doesn't take damage while phasing) is supposed to be for events like Dormammu's Degen or Domino's Critical Failure?

    As for the Coldsnap debuff, I can't seem to replicate it. It seems to be working as intended when I was doing duels this morning (shrugging off Coldsnap and converting to passive fury). I didn't have a video at the time in one occasion where she didn't. Probably either a glitch or I was simply mistaking Coldsnap for Frostbite.

    Thanks for clarifying and also for will-o-wisp for the info. It would definitely be nice if Ghost phasing only gets affected by the Armor Break Debuff or Precision Passive.
  • TirnockTirnock Member Posts: 56
    Ok I have a separate issue relating to the same topic, however this one I have no screenshot or video evidence for as I didn't expect this to happen.

    Essentially, as per description when she phases, incoming attacks have a 100% chance to Miss, which includes normal and special attacks. I've seen videos of her as well not taking any damage if she dashes back in time before the opponent activates an Sp3.

    During Alliance War, however, I was fighting a 5* duplicated Yellowjacket on node 44 (Spite node, unblockable sp1, bleed inflict) on Tier 6 (hard). During the fight, YJ managed to fill 3 bars of power. I managed to phase just in time before the animations took place, however, she still took damage. After the special animation, I saw that Ghost was still phasing and a passive Power Sting charge was present. Only thing that saved me was an sp3 boost at the time.

    As I've mentioned I don't have any screenshots or videos of this at the time as I don't generally record. It's a tight war so I can't exactly attempt to replicate it either. It only makes sense for her to not take damage because of that so I'd appreciate if it could please be fixed for AW? Much appreciated.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    She only doesn't take damage from a sp3 if she has the synergy with The Hood, which allows her to completely ignore any damage (recoil included, if timed right)
  • Helicopter_dugdugdugHelicopter_dugdugdug Member Posts: 555 ★★★
    People watch PandamanPete without realising all the little synergies that he is using lol
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    that synergy for hood is mainly so ghost can tank sp3 bro, as for little bugs like the sp3 one you described with the game has been exceptionally bad with these little bugs that cost you big in fights recently. like parry not activating here and there or dash commands not registering or speed up animations. at least those are all things ive experienced on my ipad air2 and iphone 8plus. also anytime an ability doesnt say "this ability isnt affected by ability accuracy reduction" that means it is affected by ability accuracy reduction of which magneto has cause ghost is labeled as "metal" and domino at the begining of every fight reduces the opponents ability accuracy by 15% and increases her own by the same. so magneto and domino are 2 bad ghost matchups good luck hope i was helpful
  • TirnockTirnock Member Posts: 56
    She only doesn't take damage from a sp3 if she has the synergy with The Hood, which allows her to completely ignore any damage (recoil included, if timed right)

    Ah righto my bad thanks for the info. I should've realised as it was pretty obvious haha.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,782 ★★★★★
    Research, research, research. Its already pointed out but to add to the ability accuracy part, if they make an ability immune to AAR, it will say it in the description of the champ. Omega Reds spores are immune to AAR and can't be removed. So if it doesn't say it, their abilities can be affected by AAR.
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