Marvel Contest of Champions Changelog

Hey folks! Here is the shiny new Changelog thread. We're including the archived patch notes from the old forums, so that they are preserved for anyone that would like to reference back to them. We will continue to update this thread with new notes as the patches are released.
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
This discussion has been closed.
0.2.0 Patch Notes - originally from 10-25-2014
A new update is available for Contest of Champions. After analyzing the data we have, and listening to player feedback we made the following changes:
Chat is now accessible from the quest board, upgrade screen, and many other menus.
Tapping on objects and menus may reveal helpful hints about that object.
The color of each damage number now helps communicate their source:
• Critical Hits are indicated in Yellow
• Attack boosts (eg. Fury) are indicated in Orange
• Bleed damage is indicated in Red
• Regeneration values indicated in Green
Team PI is now colored red if lower than recommended for the quest.
Many text fixes and consistency improvements.
The materials for Ranking Up have changed to make Ranking Up your Champion easier:
• A new Basic Catalyst found in Special Events is used in every recipe!
• Class-specific Catalysts found in Special Events aren’t required until later ranks
• A very rare Alpha Catalyst has been introduced
Ranking-up your Champions now unlocks more power:
• Special attributes like Armor, Critical Rate, Block Proficiency, and Power Gain are improved
• Abilities like Bleed or Regeneration increase in Tier
• New abilities may be unlocked
Several heroes have received improvements to their base stats.
The abilities of all Champions have increased in effectiveness.
A new Critical Boost buff has been introduced.
Some Champions have new abilities:
Iron Fist and Spiderman now have the ability to Armor Break with their Critical Hits.
Deadpool’s ability to Regenerate is more powerful, but only triggers once per fight.
Scarlet Witch now has a chance to trigger Nullify off of any Critical Hit.
Juggernaut and Rhino now have a layer of Armor.
Punisher and Winter Solider now may also trigger Fury in addition to Bleed.
Colossus now further increases his base Armor with the Armor Up ability.
Thor and Ronan no longer Armor Break; instead, base stats and Stun durations have improved.
We reduced the effectiveness of the Revive items in order to give away more as rewards.
Revive: 100% HP Restored -> 30%
Team Revive: 100% HP Restored -> 25%
A bonus of 50% for using ISO-8 matching your Champion’s Class can now be previewed on the Upgrade screen.
It’s now possible sell Champions in exchange for ISO-8 and Gold. The amount received increases proportionately to the Rank and Level of the sold Champion.
-You can now skip dialogue on the quest map by pressing ‘SKIP’.
-Added a ‘Quit’ button directly on the quest interface.
-The Back button on the Top Bar now returns the player to the Home screen.
-Various game balance and cosmetic improvements to the available quests.
0.3.0 Patch Notes - originally from 11-12-2014
New Arena modes:
• Series matches of 3 fights are now available at certain times
• Each series has a chest reward. Win more fights in the series to get better chests
• Compete in these Arenas to earn points toward rank and milestone prizes
Hero Stamina:
• PVP energy has been replaced with Hero Stamina. Each Hero has their own Stamina values, meaning the more Heroes you have the more you can play in PVP.
• Each Hero has 1 Stamina and takes 2 hours to recharge.
PvP Currency:
• Battle Chips can be won in the Multiverse Arenas
• Battle Chips can be used to purchase a new Arena Crystal
Login using your or Game Center account to save your progress
Updated the Achievements and Leaderboards for Game Center
We have removed the Next Quest button for a much more favorable and flavorful approach to teaching and informing people about Marvel : Contest of Champions. In the Main Menu(Bottom Right Corner) you will now see an image of the Collector showing you what the best or recommended actions that you should preform. This can be anything from opening Crystals, Continuing a Quest, Ranking Up Champions if the difficulty is too hard, Tips where to obtain items, and Playing Versus/Arenas.
All Heroes:
• Adjusted the PI calculation for Power Burn and Power Drain abilities to improve accuracy.
• Significantly increased the Power Burn multiplier as well as the amount of Power burned. Prior to this change, Vision's Special Attack damage output was far below the curve. Vision's Special Damage is distinct from other heroes in that the dependency on opponents' Power levels cause the damage dealt to be highly variable, and sometimes quite low; however, when striking an opponent with high Power levels, Vision has the potential to deal very high amounts of direct, Armor-ignoring damage.
Iron Fist:
• Slightly adjusted the Armor Break trigger to be less punishing to opponents with the Armor Up ability without sacrificing PI or damage output.
• Slightly adjusted the Armor Break trigger to be less punishing to opponents with the Armor Up ability without sacrificing PI or damage output.
• Slightly increased his base Health and, in turn, the amount of Health recovered by Regeneration. This improvement is reflected by an increase to PI of about 1%.
• Slightly reduced the damage from Bleeding, but slightly increased the amount of Power drained by E.M.P. Arrow to compensate. This added utility strengthens the choice between whether to offensively Bleed the enemy or defensively drain their Power. These changes may modify PI by +/-1%.
Scarlet Witch:
• Slightly reduced the frequency of Nullify for basic attacks, but slightly increased the chance a Special Attack is critical. Chaotic Bombardment no longer has a chance to critical, and instead has a 100% chance to Nullify the target. This is less punishing to opponents with beneficial effects, while providing a more reliable source of Nullify. Overall, her PI has decreased by about 2%.
• Decreased base Health and Attack by 2% each to bring his PI in line with other Champions without compromising Special Attack effectiveness.
• Slightly increased base Health by 2% to bring his PI in line with other Champions. This change may result in a PI increase of up to 1%.
• Fixed a bug with her Bleed ability scaling incorrectly. This has no effect on PI.
• User's on iPhone 4 devices will no longer encounter a progression blocker after fighting Iron Man in the tutorial.
• Fixed an issue where player's Hero would disappear after using a special move.
• Fixed an issue where very rarely a character would lose all functionality when dashing.
• Added additional Network support to better diagnose disconnects. The game should resolve and recover much more gracefully than in previous updates.
• Adjusted some of the touch sensitivity while fighting. Heroes moves should feel more responsive. This is something that is going to be an ongoing process. Please let us know how you think it feels.
• Fixed various issues with Chat.
• We have updated Open GL versions/drivers for iOS devices that support Open GL 3.0.
• User's will no longer receive delayed Game Center notifications. This caused some weirdness to occur while opening Crystals in the Crystal Vault.
• The Crystal Vault has received another polish pass and should now feel much more responsive, thank you for all your feedback on this feature!
• Many more minor bug fixes were included in this update.
0.3.0 Hotfix Notes:
Attacks (all Champions):
• Special Attack 1 base damage increased by +25% Attack Rating.
• Heavy Attack base Power gained reduced to 63 points.
• Special Attack 2 base Power gained increased to 85 points.*
• Special Attack 3 base Power gained increased to 128 points.*
We recently improved the functionality of Heavy Attacks, so they’re easier to use. Their base Power has been reduced to normal levels – previously, they generated Power at a higher rate to compensate for their difficult execution. Special Attacks have been adjusted to give the unlucky recipients more of a fighting chance. These changes bring these attacks in line with existing damage-to-power ratios.
*NOTE: Special Attacks only generate Power for the target struck, not for the user; this prevents infinite loops and helps serve as a comeback mechanic.
Crystal Vault:
Versus Crystal prizes have been adjusted due to the Champion Stamina changes.
• Added a chance to receive Battle Chips as prize
Arena Crystal prizes have been increased to help balance the adjustments to the Versus Crystal.
• Lowered cost of the Arena Crystal
• Added 3-Star Punisher
Duplicate Champions:
Payouts have significantly increased when receiving a duplicate Champion with a Star rating of two or more. The boosted amount increases based on Star rating. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by delivering each reward individually, and are working to get a fix to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, using the “Skip” button avoids the inconvenience.
• We fixed a bug where finding a new match could cost a player Units.
• Spending Units to find a new opponent will now return opponents with lower ratings.
Story Quests:
• Chapters 3 and 4 of Act 2 Story Quests are now available. A mysterious opponent awaits you at the end of Act 2!
*NOTE: This caused some players' progress to reset for a brief time, but that issue should now be corrected.
Event Quests & Ranking Up:
• Event Quest difficulty has been adjusted to match Catalyst availability.
• Rank-Up Recipes have been adjusted to be more accessible across all ranks.
• Bosses for the Monday through Saturday Daily Events now have a small chance to drop a Class Catalyst. This is in addition to the drop chance from Chests.
• Ambush Rates have been adjusted on all Event Quests.
• Ambushes now have a small chance to drop a Premium Hero Crystal
• Increased Catalyst drops for the Collector Free-For-All Event Quest.
• Alpha Catalysts now have a chance to drop from Chests in Medium and Hard difficulties of The Collector Free-For-All event.
Bug fixes:
• The unobtainable chest in Act 1, Chapter 1, Quest 6 has been removed from the Battlerealm.
• Fixed several typos with special ability descriptions for multiple heroes
• Punisher: Fixed the Rival Bonus being the incorrect level
• Vision: Fixed multiple damage floaters sometimes appearing, and fixed Power Burn scaling incorrectly
0.4.0 Hotfix Notes Originally from 12-05-2014
Crystal Vault:
We’ve increased the chances to obtain some 3-Star Heroes from the Premium Crystal:
• Abomination
• Cyclops
• Drax
• Iron Fist
• Iron Man
• Ronan
• Scarlet Witch
• Spiderman
• Storm
• Winter Soldier
Increased the amount of Gold awarded by the Arena Crystal.
Slightly reduced the cost to level-up a 3-Star Champion at Rank 1 to cleanly align with ISO-8 chunk values.
Bug Fix:
Fixed a bug with Billion-Dollar Punch not triggering Armor Break.
1.1 Patch Notes - Originally from 01-23-2015
• New abilities are awakened when receiving a duplicate 2-Star or above hero
• Greatly improved framerates and loading times
• Chat can now be disabled in the Settings screen
• Improvements to PvP matchmaking
• New Adaptoids have been added, including the rare Treasure Adaptoid
• Some Class Relationships updated, and can be viewed from the Edit Team screen
• Many gameplay improvements, including new effects and resistances
• Made defender Special move power gains less skewed in the defender’s favor
• Chat can now be disabled in the Settings screen
• Added Turkish language support
• The pre-fight screen has been updated to display Champion abilities
• Your full team is now visible on the pre-fight screen
• Added a cutscene after each Act in the Story
• More items appear in the Inventory screens
• Added Turkish language support
Exclusive New Abilities:
• Duplicate 2-Star, 3-Star, and 4-Star Champions now awaken a brand new ability unique to that Champion in addition to the rare ISO8 they currently give. Duplicates thereafter continue to level-up this ability to make it stronger. When a Champion is awakened, their Stars turn bright and glow, making them easy to identify (and look pretty cool too). These new abilities can be quite powerful, so please fight responsibly!
PvP Improvements:
• Adjusted matchmaking difficulty
• Added Chat support during PvP screens
• Various other improvements, including rank and level information for opponents, find match options in team select, and animation tuning.
New Quest Content:
• There is now a chance to encounter the elusive Treasure Adaptoid, who divulges his hoard of ISO8 and Gold to those able to defeat him in battle.
• Class Relationships can be viewed by tapping “Enemy Classes” before entering a quest, and preview the number of enemies in that quest for each class type.
• You can also now see rewards for completion and exploration on the Edit Team screen.
Opponent AI:
• Opponents are more aware of the distance between you and them, improving their interaction with knockback effects, such as that from Heavy Attacks.
Champion Classes:
• The Collector has updated the rules of the contest! Some Classes that were effective against other classes have changed:
Mutant Champions are now effective against Skill Champions.
• The high Special Attack damage and regenerative abilities of Mutant Champions are effective against Skill Champions, which typically rely on Bleed damage from their weaponry. We think of this relationship as if the X-Gene grants Mutant Champions superpowers that evolved to be stronger than Champions that are merely “Skilled”.
Skill Champions are now effective against Science Champions.
• While scientists fiddle in their cute little laboratories to create flasks full of serums to turn even frail young men into super-soldiers, Skill Champions were just born that way baby. Often donning sharp weaponry to make their opponents Bleed, Skill Champions enjoy watching the high base attributes of Science Champions just melt away.
Cosmic Champions are now effective against Tech Champions.
• Tech Champions construct durable robots and thick suits of Armor to outlast their opponents in battles of tank-the-nuke...which gives Cosmic Champions extra time to build up stacks of beneficial effects to overrun Tech Champions using their peculiar alien enhancements.
Some Class relationships remain unchanged:
• Tech Champions are still effective against Mutant Champions.
Tech Champions typically excel at Armor, Resistance, and Power manipulation, which is effective against the high Special Attack damage of Mutant Champions. Think of the robotic Sentinels adapting for tactical advantages in the war against Mutantkind!
Science Champions are still effective against Mystic Champions.
• Science Champions – a Class of behemoths like Hulk and super-soldiers like Captain America – typically have above average base attributes like Health, Attack, and Armor. These raw stats cannot be affected by pesky Mystics and their removal abilities: Nullify and Purge.
Mystic Champions are still effective against Cosmic Champions.
• Cosmic Champions explore strange new beneficial effects to seek out new power and new abilities, to boldly take their attributes where no class has gone before. Well, not if Mystic Champions – who are fully capable of stripping Cosmic Champions of their beneficial effects – have anything to say about it! Maybe it’s the Mystic Agenda to protect the secrets of the universe?
These changes ensure that having a Class Bonus always gives you the advantage it promises, as it now also reflects ability trends for a particular Class. Please keep in mind that these are generalizations, and some Champions abilities may not always strictly align with these relationships. Learn more about Champions’ abilities by viewing their profiles and tapping on features for detailed information.
Defender Power Gain:
• When you attack someone, you charge up their Power in addition to yours. This meant they would reach a full three bars while you only reached one and a half. We've reduced the amount defenders receive such that you'll be at two bars when they're at three. This change maintains the underdog functionality to give defenders a chance to comeback while being less punishing to players earning high Combos.
New damage types for attacks now play a larger role in the abilities of Champions. For example, some heroes power-up by successfully blocking magical damage, while others’ abilities may harm anyone that makes physical contact with them.
New Resistances and Immunities have found their way to the Battlerealm. Some heroes are completely immune to specific status effects based on either lore from the comics or logic. For example, the android Vision has no blood, and is therefore fully immune to Bleed conditions. We’ve also strengthened the effectiveness of certain status effects, so be careful who you choose to bring into battle! Could you guess who might be immune to the new “Poison” condition?
Five powerful new status effects:
• Poison: Inflicts damage over time and reduces healing and regeneration effectiveness.
• Unstoppable: A buff to shrug off the impact from attacks, but still take the damage.
• Weakness: A debuff that reduces Attack attributes.
• Heal Block: Fully prevents the target from gaining health in any way.
• Power Lock: Seals the target, preventing them from gaining any Power.
Stacking Status Effects:
• When fighting, you may notice that many status effects are now able to stack. This also changes how certain beneficial “buffs” and detrimental “debuffs” interact with one another. For example, it's now possible to have both Armor Up and Armor Break effects on you simultaneously. Let the tug-o-war begin, and may the strongest effects win!
Special Attacks:
Many heroes have received updates to their special attacks:
• Black Bolt's Corkscrew: +25% damage, but at the cost of minor recoil damage.
• Punisher's “Wrath” has been replaced by "Payback". Payback deals additional damage based on the total damage dealt to Frank.
• Colossus' “Unbreakable” now deal bonus damage based on his armor level at the time of activation.
• All of Black Panther’s special attacks now deal bonus damage based on the number of Bleeds on the target.
• Spider-Man’s Web-Slinger now has a chance to inflict Weakness.
• Thor, Ronan, Storm receive +10% damage for their first Special Attack
• Vision’s Physical Disruption: Added a minor Power Burn effect due to “his” use of his Infrared Beam. “He” also now purges all status effects while phasing through the ground.
• Scarlet Witch: Increased the Critical Hit Chance for Hex Bolt and Hex Sphere.
All Attacks:
• Many knockback effects have been adjusted to improve consistency.
1.1.0 HOTFIX NOTES - Originally from 01-28-2015
• Fixed Iron Man's and Cyclops’ "Armor Break" appearing twice on the HUD
• Fixed Juggernaut’s “Unstoppable” value always appearing as “100%”
• Fixed Ronan’s Stun durations being halved
• Fixed Punisher’s “Defy Pain” sometimes appearing on the HUD without activating
• Fixed 1-Star Gamora displaying a locked Signature Ability at Rank 2
• Updated the Class Gates in Daily Event Quests to match the new Class Wheel
• Added an encounter with Magik to the Mystic Daily Event Quest
We’ve tested the Signature Abilities quite extensively before releasing them, but there have been a few abilities that we have been keeping an eye on. We’ve compared our notes with the feedback you’ve been sending us and are making some balance changes to them. Thanks for your feedback!
Slightly reduced the frequency and duration of Juggernaut’s “Unstoppable” ability.
• He was indeed a bit too...unstoppable. We’ve toned down the frequency this ability triggers, as well as reduced the duration it’s active for when it does trigger. We feel Juggernaut is still a powerful Champion despite these revisions. Take care!
Slightly reduced the starting values of Wolverine's “Cellular Regeneration”.
• We found that Cellular Regeneration was too strong at lower levels where fewer counters to Regeneration exist.
Re-scaled Gamora's “Assassination” to start higher but scale slower.
• At lower levels, Special Attacks were used too infrequently, giving this powerful ability little visibility. We’ve adjusted the scaling to better match Special Attack usage at all levels.
Increased the frequency that Black Bolt’s “Provocation” triggers.
• Due to the varying Critical Hit rates across all Champions, in some cases Provocation would trigger rarely or not at all within a fight. We’ve increased the frequency to ensure you’ll see it every match – but especially so against opponents with high Critical Hit rates.
We’ll continue to follow the effect of these new abilities on gameplay. Please keep your feedback coming!
2.0 Patch Notes - Originally from 02-25-2015
Hey everyone! We have been hard at work on improving the game and have prepared a big update inspired in part by your great community feedback. Please keep letting us know what you think!
• Fixed many Dash, Medium, Heavy and Special Attacks missing or failing to execute.
• Added Alliances and a new Alliance Crystal.
• Rocket Raccoon and Unstoppable Colossus join The Contest.
• Temporary Boosts to Attack, Health, and XP are now available from the Alliance Crystal.
• Rewards for completing and exploring Chapters and Acts. Earn a guaranteed 3-Star hero crystal for each fully explored Act! This is retroactive, just complete any quest to claim them.
• A new Fight Menu combines The Arenas, Story Quests and Event Quest menus.
• Updated Summoner Profiles with new information. Inspect other players’ Profiles and brag about your achievements!
• A list of blocked users has been added to Chat windows. The option to unblock these users is found in this new menu. The power is in your hands now!
Bug Fixes & Optimization:
• We fixed Dash and Medium Attack issues for many heroes that sometimes missed or did not activate.
• We fixed issues to Drax and Colossus Light and Medium Attacks where they would not connect.
• Fixed an issue where the camera would stop moving after a level 3 special sequence.
• Fixed an issue where the player’s heavy attack would get stuck in charge even after the player has released input.
• Fixed a rare bug where Champions were still able to deal damage after they died, resulting in tied fights.
Form Alliances with your Friends!
What is better than playing? Playing with your friends! Create a new Alliance or join an existing one through the new Alliance Menu.
• Invite other players to your Alliance.
• Search for an Alliance by name or join a Recommended Alliance.
• Receive rewards for entering your first Alliance.
• Alliance News Feed. The news feed celebrates your Alliance member’s achievements.
• Alliance Chat. Chat with other members of your Alliance in a private channel all to yourself.
• Help Allies. Players can ask for help when out of Energy or Stamina. Alliance members help each other as much as they can to earn Loyalty Points. Loyalty points have a daily limit to how many can be earned.
• Alliance Crystal. Access a new Alliance Crystal while part of any Alliance. Use new Loyalty Points for purchasing Alliance Crystals.
New Champion!
• Find Unstoppable Colossus inside the new Alliance Crystal
He may start out slow, but watch out for his immense power at high ranks!
• Adjusted the range of many Heavy Attacks, including Hulk and Drax, to ensure they correctly connect with enemies.
• Many Special Attacks, including those for Wolverine, Iron Fist, Winter Soldier, Punisher, Black Panther, and many others have had their range adjusted to ensure they correctly connect with enemies even if activated immediately after a combo that knocked the enemy back.
• Heroes no longer Evade while Stunned
• Payback and Unbreakable now display their maximum potential damage bonus.
• Added detailed descriptions for Bleed Immunity and Poison Immunity.
• Gamora: We’ve adjusted the scaling of her base Special Attack damage to ensure they scale up more similarly to other heroes. This also makes Gamora more reliant on her high Bleed damage, and improves the chances of opponents able to deal with her high Bleed.
Vital Strike and Jade Assassin damage decreased by 10%.
Godslayer damage increased by 10%.
• Magik: Rewind is a game-changer for Magik that allows her to go up against foes like Gamora and Rewind off big Critical Hits and Bleed damage; however, the frequency of Rewind triggering was too low to be there when she needed it.
Increased the likelihood Rewind triggers by +20% at all levels.
Rewind now heals over one second instead of instantly.
Fixed a bug allowing Magik to break out of an enemy combo using Rewind. It now only removes Status Effects.
• Hulk: Given the riskiness of losing Health in certain game modes, Hulk’s anger-management provided too little help too late in the game. We’ve increased the Attack boost to ensure he’s appropriately scary in all game modes – as long as he’s angry!
Increased Hulk Rage by +20% Attack at all ability levels.
• Iron Man: The Arc Overload ability is powerful but predictable. We’ve removed the drawback after the ability expires knowing more counters exist:
Arc Overload no longer causes Armor Break when it expires.
• Vision: Added Poison Immunity to our robot friend.
Arena tuning is an ongoing process. The team is continually making adjustments to Arenas to improve the experience.
3.0.0 PATCH NOTES - Originally from 04-22-2015
Ultron infects the Contest!
Ultron has infected The Contest!
Many new Champions join the battle against Ultron.
Quest through the new Ultron’s Assault Event.
Wield new power with Summoner Masteries.
Grow your Friend’s List with the new Social Hub.
Duel other Summoners.
Team up with your Alliance in new Events, Arenas, and more!
Filter and sort your Stash.
Bug Fixes and Optimization:
Fights have been optimized for performance improvements on all devices.
Users can now filter through the items in their Stash.
Fixed several issues where Hero Rating would fluctuate.
Fixed a bug with Rhino and Juggernaut having 11-20% more Armor than intended.
Fixed a bug with Rocket Raccoon’s Dash attack being slower than intended.
Added a confirmation popup when spending Units on stamina recharges and unlocking arenas.
Regeneration no longer displays green Health values if you’re at full Health.
Several new improvements to how status effects are displayed.
AI opponents are no longer able to perform one unavoidable attack in response to a Special Attack 3.
A new and improved look for all Health Potions in the Battlerealm.
All Revive Potions now revive your Champions with +10% more Health.
New Characters:
We’re adding so many new Champions, they could form their own Alliance!
Some of your favourite heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe join The Contest!
Stay tuned for more details!
Summoner Mastery:
Summoner Mastery is on the horizon!
Masteries provide beneficial effects for your Champions.
Access Masteries through your Summoner Profile.
Earn Mastery Points when you level up.
Choose your Masteries wisely and strategically customize your benefits.
Recover your points to try a new specialization as often as you’d like.
Keep an eye on in-game messaging for more information.
Alliance Help Improvements:
The daily loyalty limit has been set to refresh at 08:00UTC for all players.
A timer has been added to show when the daily loyalty limit resets.
Loyalty balance is now displayed in the Alliance menus.
Ask for Versus help with a single tap on the ‘Help’ icon in Team Select.
Alliance Events:
New Alliance Events are coming very soon!
Work together with your Alliance to complete objectives and receive rewards!
Keep an eye on in-game messaging for more information.
Alliance Arenas:
Muster your might, Alliance Arenas will soon open their gates!
Competing in Alliance Arenas shares your points across your whole Alliance; work together to reach milestones and top ranks!
Work together to amass a huge score, and defeat your competition in classic Arena combat! No slackers here either - if you don’t contribute to win the competition, you’re not eligible for the goods!
Keep an eye on in-game messaging for more information.
Social Hub:
All social features (Chat, Mail, and Friends) can now be accessed through the new Social Hub.
Search for and add friends, and send private messages to Summoners on your Friends List.
Redesigned chat and mail screens.
Take on other Summoners’ top Champions for bragging rights and prizes in 1-on-1 Duels!
Dr. Strange:
Reduced the chance of Counterspell triggering: 20% -> 15% at Level 1
Reduced the duration of The Prestige’s Fate Seal effect: 4s..7s -> 2.7s..4.9s
Black Panther:
No longer triggers Bleed while Blocking
Superior Iron Man:
Reduced Repulsor Ray and Uni-Beam damage by 10%
Repulsor Ray and Uni-Beam now ignore Armor
New Ultron’s Assault Event Quests:
A new series of special Ultron quests are available, starting with the first Chapter. Fight back against Ultron’s infection alongside the Summoner, and team up with some of Marvel’s finest! New quests unlock each week!
The Spider-Man Champion gate has been removed from Act 1, Chapter 1, Quest 5.
Have fun Summoners!
3.0.1 Patch Notes - Originally from 05-12-2015
Hey everyone,
We've introduced a new patch for our 3.0 build. Here are the details:
Bug fixes and optimization:
• Fixed an issue where chat snapped to the most recent message.
• Fixed several issues where Hero Rating would fluctuate.
• Various improvements to the Summoner Mastery screens and descriptions.
• Increased the ISO8 awarded by duplicate 2-Star Champions.
4.0.0 Patch Notes - Originally From 07-08-2015
Bug Fixes and Optimizations:
New Ant-Man Quests:
All New Cooperative Alliance Quests:
New Summoner Masteries Available:
Go to the Masteries page in your Summoner Profile for access to the new Utility Mastery tree
MARVEL VERSION 5.0 PATCH NOTES - Originally Posted 10-07-2015
Act 4:
Act 4 - Chapter 1 released!
Summoner Level:
5-Star Champions:
Additional Champion Updates:
Alliance Quest Series:
New Catalyst Inventory:
Items Store Improvements:
Stash Improvements:
Additional UI Improvements:
MARVEL VERSION 5.1.0 PATCH NOTES - Originally Posted: 11-19-2015
Hey everyone,
Here is the rundown of patch 5.1.0, filled with various bug fixes and optimizations. The important ones to note are below.
Character Fixes:
Major Bug Fixes:
Minor Bug Fixes:
Audio Fixes:
UI Fixes:
Text Fixes:
MARVEL VERSION 6.0 PATCH NOTES Originally Posted: 12-01-2015
Anniversary Celebration:
Act 4 content:
New Champions, new theme, and a new arena:
UI Improvements:
Catalyst Fragments, Inventory Cap, and Sell Items feature:
Bug Fixes:
MARVEL VERSION 6.0.1 ANDROID PATCH NOTES Originally Posted: 12-03-2015
This patch is a fix for the missing Champions during the Special 3 animation on Android devices.
This issue occurred during our upload process to the Google Play Store. This was an odd edge case scenario that we could not have caught during our internal tests, as it began appearing once we uploaded to the Google Play Store. This hotfix will be out by tomorrow, and will put Android at version 6.0.1. As this issue does not occur on iOS devices, iOS will remain at version 6.0.
3:30pm PST: We have started slow-rolling this patch out to Android devices, beginning with about 20% of users. We expect this to be available for 100% of users within the next 24 hours.
MARVEL VERSION 6.1.0 PATCH NOTES Originally Posted: 01-19-2016
New Champions:
Bug Fixes (Characters):
Bug Fixes (General):
Balance Changes:
Black Panther
Removed Critical Hit Rate boost on Special 3
Special 3 now has a chance to Bleed for each instance of Bleed already on the target
An artifact left over from the early days of the contest was Black Panther’s ability to gain a Critical Hit Rate boost during Special 3 attacks. As many might know, Critical Hits aren’t possible during a Special 3 anymore, making this effect...unhelpful. We’ve switched it out with a new ability to stack up even more Bleed effects on the opponent based on how many Bleeds are already active.
Example: The opponent has 4 stacks (instances) of Bleed on them when you launch a Special 3. With this new ability, you have a chance to add an additional 0 - 4 more stacks (instances) of Bleed.
Black Widow
Fixed issue with her Signature Ability not interacting with Evasion
Previously, a bug existed that allowed champions with Evade to continue to dodge Black Widow’s attacks, even if her Signature Ability was maxed out. This issue has been fixed.
Captain America WW2
Chance to Stun on Special 1 and Special 3
Captain America WW2 has started to become outpaced by his non-WW2 counterpart and while we want the two to feel different and each have their own specific uses, we also want to ensure they are kept within range of each other in terms of balance. To accomplish this, we’ve given WW2 Cap the ability to Stun with his Special 1 and Special 3 attacks, but kept his Bleed on Special 2 the same, giving him options during combat against non-bleeding champions.
Daredevil (Netflix)
Fixed bug preventing Armor Breaks from triggering off of Heavy Attacks
A bug that prevented Daredevil from triggering Armor Breaks from Heavy Attacks has been fixed and is now working as intended.
Against non-bleeding champions: Critical Hits have a chance to Armor Break on Special Attacks.
Increase range of Signature to 25% from 20%.
Many players found Elektra’s signature ability lacked enough opportunities to use it. To remedy this, we’ve increased the range from 20% to 25%. Additionally, to help make Elektra unique from other skill champions, we’ve given her the ability to deal with naturally Bleed Immune champions. Note: This Armor Break only applies to champions naturally immune to bleed, such as Colossus and Ultron, and not to champions granted Bleed Immunity from Local or Link Nodes.
Switched Bleed to Critical Hits
Increase strength of Bleed
Bleed effects now stack
Guillotine’s Bleed effect used to have a chance to activate from any given attack, meaning that it had to be kept quite weak to compensate for the frequency of triggers. We’ve made the switch to have her Bleed behave closer to existing champions, and in doing so have boosted the strength of the Bleed and have allowed it to stack.
Iron Patriot
Redesigned Signature Ability
Norman Osborn overloads the Arc Reactor in his chest if Health drops below 10%, granting a large burst of power, with (18% - 48% ) Armor, Regeneration, and Power Gain. After that, his suit burns out and cannot trigger Armor Up, Armor Break or Stun and loses all base Armor.
Many players didn’t like Iron Patriot’s old signature ability, feeling that due to the lack of Regeneration, it was considerably weaker than Iron Man’s. While we agreed, we didn’t want to just copy and paste his signature ability, but rather give him his own unique twist on the ability. This “all or nothing version” feels more like Norman Osborn, pushing his suit to the limit to get a larger boost but at the cost of damaging the suit. The addition of Power Gain allows Iron Patriot a large attack before the suit burns out, if timed correctly.
New Ability: Stagger
Heavy Attacks: 90% chance to Stagger the enemy for 8 seconds. A Staggered enemy cannot gain their next beneficial effect.
All versions of Juggernaut, even those who haven’t been awakened, now gain the 2 second Unstoppable ability at the start of the fight when they hit Rank 2.
We wanted to add some new functionality to Juggernaut, while also keeping him true to his Mystic class assignment. To accomplish this, we added this “buff smasher” effect which keeps an opponent from gaining their next beneficial effect. Additionally, we wanted to make non-awakened versions of Juggernaut more fun to play, without adding more power to the awakened variations. As a result, we gave all versions of Juggernaut the ability to become Unstoppable at the start of the fight.
Element Gun is now less likely to trigger Heal Block against non-healing champions
Increased duration of Heal Block
While many players liked the new functionality of Star-Lord’s Element Gun effect, they found it to be a little too random, specifically when it would Heal Block a champion incapable of Healing. We’ve now added in some contingencies that will make Heal Block appear less unless the opposing champion shows that he / she can Heal during the fight. This includes both activated healing effects, such as Wolverine or Ultron’s Heal, or passive healing effects gained from Masteries, such as Salve or Willpower.
Winter Soldier
New synergy with Captain America WW2
It’s been a bit weird that Bucky wasn’t friends with his most famous friend. Well, he is now. This affects 3 Star and above versions.
Animation & Timing Updates
Client Side
Black Bolt / Iron Patriot
Increased speed of Special 2
We’ve increased the overall speed of this attack, allowing quick players to use this ability after a four or five hit combo.
Captain Marvel / Ms. Marvel
Increased the range and speed of Special 1
Increased speed of Special 2
It seems the Marvel’s have gotten tired of their beams being dodged so easily and have decided to angle it a little better, increasing the overall range of the attack and making it harder to dodge away from. We’ve also increased the speed of both special attacks to allow them to better flow into combat.
Black Panther / Black Widow / Iron Fist
Increased speed of Special 1
In order to allow this attack to better flow in combat, we’ve shaved off a few frames from the beginning, allowing players to chain this attack into 4 and 5 hit combos.
Black Panther / Wolverine
Increased speed of Special 2
Black panther sure is getting a lot of love in this update, and his special 2 is no exception. This attack has also had a few frames shaved allowing it to be used as part of a combo
MARVEL VERSION 7.0.0 PATCH NOTES - Originally Posted: 02-23-2016
Alliance Wars:
Loyalty Store:
New Boosts Items:
Character Changes:
Misc Changes & Improvements:
Alliance Wars Improvements:
Usability Improvements:
Bug Fixes (General):
Bug Fixes (Champions):
Bug Fixes (Alliance Wars):
Bug Fixes (UI/HUD):
MARVEL VERSION 8.0.0 PATCH NOTES - Originally Posted: 04-27-2016
Civil War Update:
Solo Events:
Leaderboards (Available soon!):
Alliance War Improvements:
Champion Updates:
Bug Fixes:
Memory, Crash, & GPU/Frames Per Second Improvements:
We have heard you! In 8.0.0 we have invested a huge amount of time, effort, and resources into solving this problem, and improving our processes on how we identify, fix, and prevent these in the future. This is going to be an ongoing process that we hope to work with all of you Summoners on improving.
Found and fixed memory leak when loading into Quest Boards in: Story Mode, Event Quests, Alliance Quests, and Alliance Wars. This was very difficult to track down, and thanks to all your forum and player support reports we were able to do so. This should result in longer play sessions before the Operating System closes Marvel CoC. Hopefully it won’t need to do so, this depend on the total amount of memory of your device.
We have a roadmap for improvements on all three aspects of “Performance”, we will be looking at Memory, Crashing, and Frames Per Second/GPU moving forward, look for more updates relating to these in our future releases. Thanks again for taking the time to provide as much information as you all did in our Player Support tickets, Forums posts, and Questionnaires!
MARVEL VERSION 8.0.2 PATCH NOTES- Originally Posted: 05-06-2016
Greetings Summoners,
We are happy to announce that we have a hotfix update coming for many of the issues that players have been experiencing since the Civil War(8.0.0) update. As well as a number of small bug fixes, we've fixed:
A crash in combat that was triggered when the player would skip a Victory or Rewards animation. This accounted for a very large amount of crashes in combat.
We've identified and fixed major 1-2 second pauses/lag during Combat/Fights. You may still notice some lag during non-interactive parts of the fights, like during Special animations, or during Destructibles Breaking at the end of a fight. We hope to address these in future updates.
We have lowered the total amount of memory usage for lower end devices. New Summoners playing on lower memory devices should now see an improvement during the tutorial.
Fixed a bug where people were getting stuck in character info screen while playing Alliance Wars.
We also fixed a few other crashes identified by the community throughout the game.
As always, we'll be continuing to fix any issues that start to pop up, but we're happy that we are able to supply you guys with a fix to what many of you have been experiencing. At the moment, we do not have a timeframe for when this will roll out. It is currently being tested but should be available very soon.
MARVEL VERSION 9.0.0 PATCH NOTES - Originally Posted: 06-14-2016
New Boost Flow:
UI Improvements (General):
UI Improvements (Alliance Wars):
Bug Fixes:
Performance/Memory/Load Times/Frame Rate Changes and Improvements:
VERSION 10.0.0 RELEASE NOTES - Originally Posted: 08-16-2016
Login Calendars:
In addition to the Free & Daily Crystals players can collect every 4 & 24 hours, we're adding TWO new Login Calendars to the game. This will allow players to claim more free items on a weekly and monthly basis just for logging in!
Upon release of this feature, a Weekly Login Calendar will be available for players to obtain Premium Hero Crystal Shards. Players that log in all 7 days, within the calendar login week, will earn enough Crystal Shards for 1 complete Premium Hero Crystal. That's 4 free Premium Hero Crystals a month! Players will need to continuously log in to build and sustain a calendar login streak for maximum rewards. Missing any day on a weekly calendar will reset your calendars progress.
On September 1st, the Monthly Login Calendar will make its debut. This calendar will be loaded with a variety of items such as Gold, Catalysts, Units, etc. It will also have its fair share of Crystals, including a new Login Crystal that is EXCLUSIVE to Login Calendars. This new Login Crystal can be claimed on Day 28 of a monthly calendar and it guarantees either a 3 or 4-Star version of a recently featured Champion!
Each monthly calendar will consist of 28 days, excess days within a calendar month will be considered a 'grace day'. Grace days allow users to miss a couple of login days, however, don't miss too many, as the number of grace days provided will vary depending on the number of days of each calendar month (e.g. October will have 3 grace days as it has 31 days in the month, June: 2 grace days, Feb: 0-1 grace days, etc). Once all grace days have been used up, missing additional days will result in a loss of monthly calendar rewards starting from the backend of the calendar - Day 28 descending.
A new monthly calendar will begin on the 1st of each month. We expect to change up the reward structure for each Login Calendar from time-to-time, so check back regularly to see what's new!
Legends Update
A few Champions have updated base attack moves to better match their fighting style and personalities. The following Champions will have updated movesets:
Alliance Membership Updates
Alliance Updates
UI Improvements (General):
Leaderboard Improvements:
Misc Changes and Fixes:
Performance/Memory/Load Times/Frame Rate Changes and Improvements:
Improved Optimizations for lower memory/performance devices
Players will have to update to 10.0 to see the content included in this patch, including Labyrinth of Legends and Terrigenocide Part 2
Version 10.2.0 release notes - Originally Posted: 10-03-2016
Mode Specific Boosts
Introducing a new feature our team has developed that will add another level of strategy and options to gameplay! Mode Specific Boosts are Boosts whose unique effects are only felt in specific areas of Gameplay.
For example, our first mode specific boost will only affect fights in the upcoming Monthly Quest. Watch your in game mail for more information on those boosts after the launch of the event.
Special Event Calendars
Get even more rewards, just for logging in! Event Calendars are new Login Calendars that run alongside our Daily and Monthly calendars, but unlike the Monthly Calendar, these will not run one after the other, and will have no grace days. This means if you want to collect all of the rewards, you have to login every day!
Our first Special Event Calendar will go live on October 18th.
Expert Proving Grounds:
Language Updates
Bug Fixes:
UI Improvements (General):
After enabling the Crash Recovery Screen with this patch, we discovered 2 issues that require us to disable the feature until they are rectified.
Firstly, if a Player crashes in an Arena Battle and were put back into the fight, they would not receive any points for that fight. Secondly, a potentially exploitable glitch was discovered that allowed players to use the feature and return to a fight with buffs missing from the enemy.
We have disabled the feature now and will update you all when we have more information on when we can expect it to return.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Version 11.0 Release Notes - Originally Posted: 11-01-2016
Marvel’s “Doctor Strange” is in theaters on November 4th! There are powerful mystics at play, and the Battlerealm is not immune! Sorcerer’s Conclave has begun!
The Collector has organized a tourney for his many Mystic Champions, but something dark lurks in the background of this event. Doctor Strange, his old friend Mordo, and the enigmatic Doctor Voodoo decide to create a Mystic Council to uncover the hidden threat! As they travel the Battlerealm to gather their forces, it becomes clear something or someone is working against them...
The Collector has also added a new twist to the Battlerealm: Portals transform movement throughout The Contest, offering new challenges and new ways to see the Battlerealm!
As you battle through the Sorcerer's Conclave, earn Dimension Shards to unlock Dimensional Rifts! These short duration quests come in four difficulty Tiers, much like Event Quests, each with increased rewards as well! The items found here can be extremely valuable, especially in the Master difficulty Rift.
Dimension Shards can also be exchanged for Dimension Crystals, but the rewards they contain will not be as effective as entering and completing the Dimensional Rifts.
Dimension Shards for each can be found in:
Auto Fight is now available!
Language Updates
UI Improvements (General):
Bug Fixes:
Character Changes:
Version 11.1 - Originally Posted 12-05-2016
Howard and Hyperion’s Holiday Hijinks
The Battlerealm falls silent as the Collector sends his Champions away for a much-needed break while he retreats to a sanctuary to plan his next move against the Grandmaster. Left by the Collector to catalogue and organize his many crystals, Howard the Duck laments his lonely lot in life when a new friend, Hyperion, arrives in need of Howard’s help. Seeking a home for the Holidays, Howard and Hyperion set out on a festive jaunt and find friends in the most unlikely of places. Howard and Hyperion’s Holiday Hijinks will run from December 7th to January 4th of 2017.
Titles have been added to the Contest. Titles are a way to show off achievements in the Battlerealm. Every player will begin with the “Summoner” title. Other titles will be available through completing event quests, special events, or difficult challenges.
Titles will appear under your username in your profile, in chat and throughout other areas in the game. Summoners can change their titles by clicking the “Titles” button in the Profile. Be sure to log in during our Anniversary Week (December 10th - 17th) as well as check your mail for future opportunities to earn titles!
Expert Daily Quests
Here just for the holidays! To expand on the Daily Quest system, three new Daily Quests have been added to the weekly cycle: Expert Daily Quests! From Monday to Saturday, three 48 hour long quests will offer TIER 4 CLASS CATALYST FRAGMENTS, similar to the Expert Proving Grounds. Each 48 hour period will be lined up with the two classes available in standard dailies during that time:
Monday and Tuesday: Skill and Mutant Expert Daily Quest
Wednesday and Thursday: Science and Mystic Expert Daily Quest
Friday and Saturday: Cosmic and Tech Expert Daily Quest
Though each quest will contain fragments for BOTH classes, you will be able to choose which type you prefer to collect from the chests by taking the marked path for that class.
These quests will run December 7th - January 7th.
Re-introducing Crash Recovery System
Character Changes:
Bug Fixes:
Version 11.2 - Originally Posted: 01-17-2017
V11.2 will be available on January 18th! Here’s what you need to know about our latest update...
New 5 Star Characters added to the 5-Star Crystal:
Get Tier 2 Alpha Catalysts when you sell Tier 1 Alpha Catalysts
Bug Fixes:
UX Update:
Version 12.0 - Originally Posted 02-28-2017
V12.0 will be available on March 1st! Here’s what you need to know about our latest update...
Act 5, Elder’s War
• The Collector prepares a new tournament for his mightiest Summoners and Champions, but a sudden interruption causes a change of plans: The Grandmaster has returned in full force! Curiously, he sides with the Summoner, countering the Collector’s plans and otherwise mocking his little brother’s efforts. Brand new challenges, boosts, and battles await those who enter the ELDER’S WAR!
• Chapter 1 releases on March 8th, 2017.
New Event Quest - X-Enforcers
• A brand new event quest is available to play! After their cataclysmic encounter with Thanos, Beast and the remaining X-Men happen upon a mysteriously resurrected Jean Grey and renew their search for the remaining mutants, but the trail's gone cold. The X-Men will need all the help they can get if they are to find their missing Mutants and fight back against their former brothers and sisters, who've formed the mutant team The X-Enforcers! The results are sure to be explosive, as both teams are after the same prize... the Mutant known as Iceman!
Elder's War Battlerealm Updates
• The very rules of combat have been rewritten. Champion abilities, stats, synergies and many other factors have undergone the biggest change The Contest has ever seen. These exciting updates to The Contest will enable it to be more competitive, and introduce some new and exciting Champions and features!
• The following additional Champion abilities have been added to the game: Armor Penetration, Critical Resistance and Block Penetration.
Restructured Multiverse Arenas
Arena changes are coming to The Contest! There are now 4 arenas in total with different rarity restrictions that will give you more choice, and greater chances at earning the top rewards!
• Increased the number of players that can win the Featured Champion from 400 to 800
• Updated Ranked Rewards
• Removed ISO from arena crystals
New Languages Added
• Now supporting Indonesian and Thai
Bug Fixes
• Fixed an issue that allowed opponents to Evade, and immediately attack in the same motion.
• Fixed incorrect text that stated Star-Lord gains his benefits every 10 combo hits/received
• Fixed an issue where Punisher’s Signature Ability would not trigger if Knocked Out while blocking.
• Fixed incorrect text to state Rogue’s Special 1 does not replicate Unstoppable Buffs
• Fixed a text issue where Mordo’s Special 3 incorrectly states he gains 20 Stacks of Fury in all Languages except English.
Version 12.1 - Originally Posted: 03-24-2017
Version 12.1 will be released March 27th. It is a bug fix-centric release that also has some optimizations for under the hood.
Character Fixes:
The Hood’s Special 1 Attack now delivers Energy damage.
Fixed an issue causing Daredevil not to Evade The Hood’s projectile attacks
Fixed an issue causing Daredevil not to Evade Punisher’s Special 2 Attack
Fixed an issue affecting timing of Unstoppable Colossus and Juggernaut’s Unstoppable buff
Fixed Rhino’s inflated PI values
Fixed an issue causing Ronan’s Stun Duration not to Increase as per his Signature Ability
Fixed an issue with Nightcrawler’s Bleed interacting with Deep Wounds
Fixed an issue where Archangel’s Special Attacks were dealing energy damage
Fixed an issue causing Nightcrawler’s Deep Wounds probability not to increase when the opponent has low armor
Fixed an issue causing Civil Warrior’s Signature ability from reducing SP damage while blocking
Archangel is now tagged as “Metal”
Fixed an Issue where Falcon’s Redwing Synergy was not increasing Critical Rating damage by the correct amount
Dormammu’s Special 2 attack now delivers energy based damage
Fixed an issue with Cable’s Special 2 attack where the opponent was able to recover and block the 2nd and 3rd hit of the attack
Fixed an issue with Yellowjacket’s Special attacks not activating his Signature Ability after Power Stings expiring
Version 13.0 Patch Notes - Originally Posted: 04-25-2017
Version 13.0 will be released on April 26th and features a number of enhancements and new Content.
Mini-Boss encounters on Maps 2, 3, 4, and 5 will vary every week to keep Alliances on their toes and the challenges fresh.
Dormammu replaces Kang the Conqueror as the Alliance Quest boss for Season 4
New Languages Added
UI Changes
Bug Fixes:
Versus Mode Improvements
Multiverse Arena players will benefit from a newly streamlined flow that reduces loading times and keeps players in the fight!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing Nightcrawler, Crossbones, and The Hood’s Block Timers to reset when receiving a hit
- Fixed an issue causing Nebula to not reduce the Ability Accuracy of Robots
- Fixed an issue where Autofight would not turn off
- Fixed an issue where the enemy could perform special attacks while in the middle of an evade animation
- Fixed the following character specific animation issues that were causing difficulties chaining from a combo into a special attack.:
Electro Special 2
Juggernaut Special 1
Magneto and Magneto (Marvel Now) Special 2
Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel Special 2
Scarlet Witch Special 1
Spider-Man Special 1
Spider-Man (Symbiote) Special 1
Thor (Jane Foster) Special 1
- Fixed Willpower to work with Shock and Incinerate Debuffs
- Revised the defender knockback distance from a success parry stun. The knockback distance incurred on a successful parry stun is now consistent across all base attacks
- Fixed an issue where the last hit on some character special animations had longer than normal block stun durations:
Drax Special 2
Hawkeye Special 2
Ronan Special 2
Thanos Special 1
Thor Special 2
Scarlet Witch Special 1
- Increased the transition speed in and out of the block animation. Animation transition speed should now be consistent across all characters
- Fixed an issue causing Archangel’s immunity to Ability Accuracy Reduction to not function
- Fixed an issue causing Hyperion to not enter Cosmic Overcharge
- Fixed an issue with The Punisher where health gains could extend Endure Pain duration
- Fixed Punisher’s Special 3 Incinerate damage to scale with his modified attack
- Fixed an issue causing Howard the Duck to not receive a Regeneration Buff against Mutant opponents after performing his Special 3
- Fixed an issue causing Nebula to miss the second strike of her Special 2
- Fixed an issue causing Phoenix to consume the incorrect amount of Fury Buffs during her Special Attacks
- Fixed an animation issue where Black Panther’s attack distance did not match his model
- Fixed text issues in the descriptions of Ultron, Star-Lord, and Guillotine
- Fixed an issue that allowed Punisher to stack multiple Open Wounds debuffs
- Fixed incorrect icons for Rhino’s abilities in his description
- Fixed an issue causing Labyrinth's Unstoppable Colossus' Signature Ability from working
Now that you’ve all had some hands on time with our latest release, we wanted to bring you something a little different than our usual bug fix list and give you all a post that goes a little more in-depth on some of those issues we addressed in 14.0. We wanted to not only explain the underlying cause of the issues, but also how they were fixed as well. In addition to the issue/fix breakdown we’ll be explaining some of our mechanics for you. The intent here is to give some more insight on the mechanics under the hood of MCOC’s gameplay.
Fixed character specific animation issues that were causing difficulties chaining from a combo into a special attack
There were a handful of our earlier released characters that had issues comboing from their base attacks to their specials attacks. In almost every case these special attack animations involved a projectile being released as its first action. What we found was that depending on the distance between the two characters when the projectile is released, the AI may have enough time to recover and block the attack.
We wanted to make this consistent across all Champions so we’ve updated the attack animations to slide towards the opponent before releasing the projectile. Now these characters can more reliably land a hit with the first attack of the special animation out of a base attack combo. While it’s now easier to combo into a special attack from basic attacks, you will also need to be aware of these changes when facing these opponents. Below is a list of the characters that have been affected by this change:
- Electro SP2
- Juggernaut SP1
- Magneto SP2
- Magneto (Marvel Now!) SP2
- Scarlet Witch SP1
- Spiderman (Classic) SP1
- Spiderman (Symbiote) SP1
- Jane Foster SP1
- Any Symbioids or Adaptoids that share the animations above
We plan to roll these improvements to additional Champions in future updates. We receive a lot of questions asking why we update some characters and not others, and there are a lot of factors that impact this. Some fixes are easier than others, so we're able to complete them sooner. Some fixes require more data collection or take longer than one update cycle to fix. This doesn't mean we're not dedicated to reviewing and improving champions wherever we can. This will be an ongoing process, so stay tuned for future updates.
Revised the defender knockback distance from a success parry stun. The knockback distance incurred on a successful parry stun is now consistent across all base attacks
One of our goals for this past update was to make Parry a more consistent risk/reward mechanic. When a Champion is attacked by an opponent he / she is knocked back by a certain distance. Knockback is applied to the defender when an attack connects and the distance varies between different attacks.
Parry requires you to risk being hit in order to correctly time the block, a risk that should be rewarded if you are able to parry successfully. We realized that the knockback inconsistencies while Parrying are not ideal. Attacks with higher knockback were “safer” than originally intended since the you would be knocked back too far in order to easily retaliate - ie: Venom’s First Medium attack. Other attacks had very low knockback values and could leave the you unnaturally close to the attacker which would feel strange and sometimes create confusion - ie: Drax’s First Medium attack.
We decided that Parry, being a core mechanic, should have a consistent knockback across Champions regardless of the attacker’s knockback value. This should make Parry’s effect feel more consistent across all opposing Champions and allow you to retaliate more consistently.
Increased the transition speed in and out of the block animation. Animation transition speed should now be consistent across all characters
In an audit of Champion animations and animation states we found an issue where some characters felt slower than others when transitioning between poses, idle and block for example. This was a visual issue that was causing some of the animations to play more slowly than intended. To fix this we’ve made an update to make these animation transitions consistent across all Champions in-game. This is purely a visual change and should make the game feel more responsive when blocking and unblocking. Champions that previously felt sluggish, such as Hyperion are now on par with the rest of the roster.
Fixed an issue where the last hit on some character special animations had longer than normal block stun durations.
In the pursuit of consistency in combat we found some Champion’s special attacks, had longer block stun durations on their last hit than intended. Block Stun Duration is the amount of time the character is held in the blocking state after blocking a hit before they can perform a new action.
This inconsistency created situations where the game would feel unresponsive after a blocked special attack as you would be kept in the block stun state longer than normal, and in some cases, made some special attacks unintendedly safer (Hawkeye SP2, Thor SP2, Scarlet Witch SP1 for example).
The following special attacks have had their block stun duration lowered on the last hit, to be in line with the rest of the special attacks in the game:
- Drax SP2 (Blade attack)
- Hawkeye SP2 (Arrow)
- Ronan SP2 (Hammer Toss)
- Thanos SP1 (Electrical attack)
- Thor SP2 (Hammer Toss)
- Scarlet Witch SP1 (Mystic Projectile)
- Also applies to any Symbioids or Adaptoids that share these animations
Fixed an issue where the enemy could perform special attacks while in the middle of an evade animation
For this last fix, many of you have probably noticed that in some cases the A.I. is capable of cancelling out of their evade animation and immediately performing special attacks, namely Spider-man.
While this is within the game rules (you can do this too), this still felt like the AI is cheating whenever they did this. Since Evade generally procs off randomly, it is almost impossible for you to take the advantage of this situation, unless they have inhuman reflexes. Conversely, it is also extremely hard for to react to the AI performing this quick “counter” special as Evade procs.
Evade is meant to be an ability that helps you escape combos to reset the action, but not meant to lead up into such a strong counter move. Therefore we decided to make a change so that the A.I. must finish their evade animation before counter-attacking. We feel it will provide a better experience since the AI now behaves more like a human player would.
We hope that you’ve all enjoyed this small glimpse of what goes on under the hood of Marvel Contest of Champions, and that you found this interesting and informative. With 14.1 on the horizon, we look forward to bringing you all even more updates and bug fixes!
As the Grandmaster asserts control over the Battlerealm, he decides to place the Champions in proper games suited to their abilities. Holding a particular distaste for his brother’s favourite Champion, Spider-Man, he places Peter Parker in a tight spot: Surrounded by some of his greatest nemeses! Knowing he won’t be able to fight his sinister opponents alone, Spider-Man is calling on you, Summoners, to come to his aid!
Character Updates
Punisher 2099
- Battery icon no longer shows the countdown timer to a new recharge. This aspect was removed to reduce the amount of activity on the hud and keep more focus on the action.
- Large optimization to his ability scripting to make his abilities run smoother and create less lag in-game
Bug Fixes:
- The 4th Light attack in a combo should now be able to chain into a Special attack, regardless of AI difficulty
- Knockback from some Light and Medium attacks have been reduced to decrease chance of dropping a combo
- Fixed an issue where the Evade callout would incorrectly show up when a Champion is performing a Special attack
- Fixed an issue where Champions could land a hit from their previous attack even after they triggered Evade
- Fixed an issue where Armor Break would not always remove Armor Up Buffs
- Fixed issues that were causing Dormammu to slow performance on some devices
- Reduced the forward movement of Dormammu’s Medium attacks to bring him in line with other Champions
- Made further improvement to make landing Medium attacks more consistent across different Champions
- Fixed an issue causing Howard the Duck to not trigger his Regeneration against mutant opponents
- Fixed Hawkeye and Gamora’s Signature Ability descriptions to note their “once per fight” limit
- Fixed text error in The Hood’s Special 2 description
- Added Duration of Armor Breaks in Thor’s Signature Ability description
- Fixed an issue with switching Beast’s fight style mid-combo
- Fixed an issue where The Hood’s Hex Damage on his Special 2 attack was not acting as Energy Damage
- Fixed an issue where the Fury buff provided by Fury nodes wouldn’t interact with Nullify, and other abilities
- Fixed an issue allowing Rogue’s Special 1 attack to be interrupted
- Fixed an issue where the 2nd hit was missing in Abomination’s Special 2 attack
- Fixed an issue where players could not combo from base attacks into Ultron’s Special 2 attack
- Improved the Inseparable Synergy (all Ranks) to give the correct Special 3 attack increase
- Fixed an issue with Rank 3 of Despair Mastery causing it to reduce Healing by less than it should