Parry Reducion of 33% to 25%. SILENT NERF??

3 points in parry used to reduce the damage in 33%, but since yesterday the reduction became 25%.
This change has not been reported to the community!
This is a bug or is a silent Nerf ??
This change has not been reported to the community!
This is a bug or is a silent Nerf ??

Ah. I guess I just never paid attention. Parry is a set it and forget it kinda thing. This is the first time I’ve even looked at parry in a long while.
I totally agree about the alternative mastery setups. Something this game really needs. But yeah time and energy is always spent on frivolous changes.
You’re right, there wasn’t any. The reduction to parry value from 33% to 25% was to accommodate the unnatural block damage taken after 12.0 was introduced.
Basically, Kabam rearranged block proficiency coefficient to exclude parry (since there were huge outcry about unnaturally huge damage taken from blocks).
To ‘balance’ things out, parry value was subsequently reduced to accommodate the rearrangement.
To amplify, when 12.0 introduced diminishing returns all masteries and synergies that affected a flat stat were converted into flat stat bonuses to make them work correctly with the new system. However, this caused Parry's benefit to become almost worthless because it's "33%" reduction was now a flat stat value which *was* 33% intrinsically, but within the Diminishing Returns system its value stacked on top of typical block values would be extremely small.
The *intent* of Parry was to allow players to generate very high block strength on top of typical block values (~50%) and the DR system doesn't really allow for that. So Parry was converted from a flat stat back into a percentage and allowed to stack *outside* of the DR system. That made Parry unaffected by DR, and players always got the full strength of Parry. In doing this, they also reduced the strength of Parry from 33% to 25% to make its overall strength more consistent with the general reductions that were happening everywhere else in the game in 12.0.