Yeh ... If you're gonna change the timers, at least make them better. Make the 5-star timers for less than 72h, so that we can still use them after the 3 days
You have effectively ruined dungeons with this new update. 4 days now for 5* to be refreshed. It’s already bad enough it takes so much time and effort to get a 5* (a month and a half). Then you litter the crystals with trashy champs. Really 1 or 2 good champs out of 10. Now the cooldowns make it even more difficult and restricting to complete dungeons. Man.
That’s luck so much bs I’m done with that’s dounges not only ther just make 4 star more useless becasse of the times. Stupid move clouse to swere but that just gone to far @Kabam Miike take that to the team
I would really like to know what the drop rate is on t2a in room 7... If its like 180 fragments than no this sucks... If its maybe 3600 fragments than I'll consider it. Its pretty stupid to update the refresh timers if we're being honest... Only people who are gonna actually care are the people that won't be refreshing champs to "grind" dungeons. Which ultimately defeats the purpose.
So if you start dungeons as soon as they open, you can't use your 5stars again until the second day of the 2nd set, then the 3rd day of the 3rd set and on the 4th set, unless you pay units to refresh you will completely miss the 4th set of dungeons? Is this accurate?
Please remember that the extended timers are only for the very last event in this iteration of Dungeons. They are not for the entire run at this time. All of the changes listed in that post are from January 5th until January 8th.
Why should you "update" the refresh timer?
The 1 to 3 days change did not affect the game as you also increased the points. Don't get the idea here. The reward is the same after 3x1day or 1x3days. It is still 1050(?) shards.
And more important: did you fix the bugs? Or will I use my 6star and the dungeon will not let me pass the room as my champs stuck... And I need to wait 6 days without any reward? (for an eventual future dungeon time were you have implemented the change)
New dungeons looked good until I saw those refresh timers... should've just kept it the same but added the rank-up materials to the dungeon store instead.
Iirc the orginal timers for dungeons were on 24 hour cycles. The refresh timers of champions were set with those in mind. Now that they have transitioned to 3 day dungeons they are trying to realign the cooldown to the orignal cadence they wanted with 24 hour dungeons. Yes you can interpret that however you want, but I think Kabam is trying to force us to use a varied roster and to not always be doing dungeons with the same champions without planning or penalty which is prefectly reasonable and even welcomed as it helps keep the game mode challenging and fresh.
Please remember that the extended timers are only for the very last event in this iteration of Dungeons. They are not for the entire run at this time. All of the changes listed in that post are from January 5th until January 8th.
Yeah but we know this song and dance. It’s just for the last 3 days. Then when the dungeons return again something like “we didn’t have sufficient data to determine if this was good” will be announced and then that’ll be the entire next series.
Why not say, “Use any of your 4*, 5*, 6* in the final event and they’re done until dungeons come back unless you pay units to refresh them.”
Rather than just criticize, I’ll propose a recommendation. Have refresh crystals as part of the milestones and also randomly placed in dungeons. And no, not just 3* with a 1% chance of 4-6*....
Kabam only has a simple metric for every game mode which they track - how much people spend on units. Dungeons are not getting enough - so what to do? Crank up difficulty, “entice” people with some rank up materials, increased refresh timers. No thanks, especially not for the trashy crystals which still won’t be refreshed! But expect kabam to do more tweaks to increase dungeons spend rate.
Kabam only has a simple metric for every game mode which they track - how much people spend on units. Dungeons are not getting enough - so what to do? Crank up difficulty, “entice” people with some rank up materials, increased refresh timers. No thanks, especially not for the trashy crystals which still won’t be refreshed! But expect kabam to do more tweaks to increase dungeons spend rate.
That's flawed by design. Dungeons are an optional part of the game. While everything is, their initial purpose was to help people develop Rosters where they didn't have as much means, perhaps even Solo Players, and to encourage people to connect with others more. It was never really meant to be a huge source of income, nor could it be by design. Things have a cost because everything has a cost. Those costs impose limits that balance the amount of Resources that can be earned. While Dungeons are for any and all who want to play them, their purpose isn't even remotely close to being a financial generator. Not even the same spending demographic. Also worth noting that they've made several iterations to make them an easier and more enjoyable experience for people
So it seems to me not much has changed.. Then you get to the last 3 days of dungeon, which I can only presume is a trial, is utter bowel movement! so what im reading, it's harder for which you get the bonus of an infinite grind on catas (which im sure is gonna be a ridiculously small amount)
So whats catching my attention is the infinite grind, yet a ridiculous refresh rate on heroes. So its OK if you have a stacked roster of 5* all leveled... atleast if you "dont" you get to pay an absurd amount of units to refresh your heroes (my spider sense is tingling the way of unit/cash grab) sounds Great! sarcasm included.
I may be massively wrong here and will apologise if this turns out different I.E The cata amounts are actually high enough to consider. But my Spider sense says otherwise.
So if you start dungeons as soon as they open, you can't use your 5stars again until the second day of the 2nd set, then the 3rd day of the 3rd set and on the 4th set, unless you pay units to refresh you will completely miss the 4th set of dungeons? Is this accurate?
Talk about a load of bs, I can see being able to use champs once every 3 day but 92 hrs cool down that’s just outrageous.
Please remember that the extended timers are only for the very last event in this iteration of Dungeons. They are not for the entire run at this time. All of the changes listed in that post are from January 5th until January 8th.
The 1 to 3 days change did not affect the game as you also increased the points. Don't get the idea here. The reward is the same after 3x1day or 1x3days. It is still 1050(?) shards.
And more important: did you fix the bugs? Or will I use my 6star and the dungeon will not let me pass the room as my champs stuck... And I need to wait 6 days without any reward? (for an eventual future dungeon time were you have implemented the change)
Are the dungeon crystals (the current batch in store) going to remain the same? They are there for another 2 months without change?
Yep! Those crystals still have 2 months (59 days and 20 hours at time of writing) to go!
Yeah but we know this song and dance. It’s just for the last 3 days. Then when the dungeons return again something like “we didn’t have sufficient data to determine if this was good” will be announced and then that’ll be the entire next series.
Rather than just criticize, I’ll propose a recommendation. Have refresh crystals as part of the milestones and also randomly placed in dungeons. And no, not just 3* with a 1% chance of 4-6*....
That's flawed by design. Dungeons are an optional part of the game. While everything is, their initial purpose was to help people develop Rosters where they didn't have as much means, perhaps even Solo Players, and to encourage people to connect with others more. It was never really meant to be a huge source of income, nor could it be by design. Things have a cost because everything has a cost. Those costs impose limits that balance the amount of Resources that can be earned. While Dungeons are for any and all who want to play them, their purpose isn't even remotely close to being a financial generator. Not even the same spending demographic. Also worth noting that they've made several iterations to make them an easier and more enjoyable experience for people
Yes! Friendship bonuses are here to stay!
Awesome. Thanks Miike.
So whats catching my attention is the infinite grind, yet a ridiculous refresh rate on heroes. So its OK if you have a stacked roster of 5* all leveled... atleast if you "dont" you get to pay an absurd amount of units to refresh your heroes (my spider sense is tingling the way of unit/cash grab) sounds Great! sarcasm included.
I may be massively wrong here and will apologise if this turns out different I.E The cata amounts are actually high enough to consider. But my Spider sense says otherwise.