Version 21.2 Discussion Thread - Google Play Update Available Soon!



  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
    Hey Summoners.

    As you may have noticed, our latest release is not yet available on the Google Play store. While it's not unusual for each individual App store to have different processing times, and release of an update can take several hours, we are working with our Partners to get this release to you as soon as possible.

    We do not have a timeframe for the release at this time.

    Question ive been doing epic all week ready for today and I'm on android @kamammiike anyways i noticed you stated if it's not up in time then the rewards will be gifted. My question is for those of us that planned on doing every difficulty today to maximize are rewards from this day 7 event, if this is not available to us on android will we receive the rewards from all the difficulties or just epic etc? Just wondering i have 12 full energies in the stash and wanted to hop on when i get home from work...

    Thank you in advance
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  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    edited January 2019
    Quick note: I've also edited the Release Notes to clarify that the Shock Duration and Shock Damage changes for Thor (Ragnarok), Thor (Jane Foster), and Thor are for Shocks that they receive, and not for Shocks that they inflict. Thor and Thor (Jane Foster) will take less damage from a Shock Debuff, and Thor (Ragnarok) will shorten the duration of a Shock debuff that he receives.

    On behalf of Electro, I'd just like to say thank you.

    Thank you.

    Thank you.

    Oh and there were one or two other changes I thought might be fun...

    But if none of those ever happen (and I suspect they won't!), still: thank you!
  • Darrellz2161Darrellz2161 Member Posts: 83
    Little upset this update hasnt shown up for me which is keeping me from playing the day seven of the trials
  • MRMOJO77MRMOJO77 Member Posts: 215
    Thats special.. Any word on updating hulkbuster and colossus? Or our alliance brawl rewards we havent gotten yet from 2 aq's ago?
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  • Bigmac94Bigmac94 Member Posts: 2
    Considering the update isnt out yet and now aq has started my top champs will be tied up. Will make epic much more difficult.
  • GBearSmithGBearSmith Member Posts: 45
    How can the update still not be active. Is there going to be compensation given to android user's?
    If it was apple users hsving this issue there would be.
  • lilyth23lilyth23 Member Posts: 95
    moi je voudrai savoir du moins pour touts les joueurs sue android si on aura un dédommagement pour la MAJ qui n'est pas présente surtout pour la QJ alchimistes donjon et on est pas riche pour acheter apple ..... donc faites un effort car beaucoup quitteront le jeu ..... beaucoup ne sont pas inco ou légend aussi pour atteindre les quêtes maîtres ce qui a été le cas pour le personnage darkhawk..... certains personnages devraient aussi évoluer et d'autres être en 5* ou alors avoir au moins vision classic dans les 4* comme vous l'avez fait pour certains qui ne sont pas en 5* ..... et petites idées pour le jeu un bouton garde serait le bienvenue et aussi un mode battles joueur contre vrais joueurs vu que pour les donjons c'est possible de jouer à 2 .... merci à vs
  • GBearSmithGBearSmith Member Posts: 45
    How can the update still not be active. Is there going to be compensation given to android user's?
    If it was apple users hsving this issue there would be.
  • EnelEnel Member Posts: 36
    edited January 2019
    Quick note: I've also edited the Release Notes to clarify that the Shock Duration and Shock Damage changes for Thor (Ragnarok), Thor (Jane Foster), and Thor are for Shocks that they receive, and not for Shocks that they inflict. Thor and Thor (Jane Foster) will take less damage from a Shock Debuff, and Thor (Ragnarok) will shorten the duration of a Shock debuff that he receives.

    @Kabam Miike I already know that there is no forecast to launch the update for android, but if it does not come in 24 hours, we android players, are we going to have another date to carry out the missions of the trial or are we going to win the rewards without doing anything at all?
  • GBearSmithGBearSmith Member Posts: 45
    Enel wrote: »
    Quick note: I've also edited the Release Notes to clarify that the Shock Duration and Shock Damage changes for Thor (Ragnarok), Thor (Jane Foster), and Thor are for Shocks that they receive, and not for Shocks that they inflict. Thor and Thor (Jane Foster) will take less damage from a Shock Debuff, and Thor (Ragnarok) will shorten the duration of a Shock debuff that he receives.

    @Kabam Miike I already know that there is no forecast to launch the update for android, but if it does not come in 24 hours, we android players, are we going to have another date to carry out the missions of the trial or are we going to win the rewards without doing anything at all?

    Lets hope we get a response kabam have the worst customer service in the gaming industry!
  • StarhawkStarhawk Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    thanks guys. i'm going to lose out on day 7 of alchemist because someone screwed up. Even if this is fixed in a few hours I'm going to lose the window in which i can play this and will lose out on rewards. We better be compensated as I was planning to play all difficulties.
  • YrholkarYrholkar Member Posts: 4
    We want old sw, thor, dr strange.......
  • Erza_ScarletErza_Scarlet Member Posts: 130
    Starhawk wrote: »
    thanks guys. i'm going to lose out on day 7 of alchemist because someone screwed up. Even if this is fixed in a few hours I'm going to lose the window in which i can play this and will lose out on rewards. We better be compensated as I was planning to play all difficulties.

    Same here brother!
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  • CateatswhalesCateatswhales Member Posts: 112
    Android getting screwed how are we supposed to do epic quest once we lock our champs into aq now.
  • Dezz_1Dezz_1 Member Posts: 118
    Why don't you just put out a message stating that all android users will be screwed if they play this game.
  • Frivolousz21Frivolousz21 Member Posts: 438 ★★★
    Dezz_1 wrote: »
    Why don't you just put out a message stating that all android users will be screwed if they play this game.

    It would have been nice if kabam took ownership of the mishap instead of blaming Google.
  • Jridenhour_3Jridenhour_3 Member Posts: 349 ★★
    So we get punished and have to wait a month to get the rewards the iOS users are getting today. I was expecting to get enough shards today to get a new 5* now I gotta wait even longer.
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  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Considering how difficult today's trial is Kabam simply cannot just hand out the rewards if the update doesn't come through on time.
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  • Frivolousz21Frivolousz21 Member Posts: 438 ★★★
    So now no rewards from the 7 day trials for a freaking month.

    So stupid.
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  • PrinceOfAlexPrinceOfAlex Member Posts: 29
    Is this shock byff a Sparky nerf??
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
    edited January 2019
    Hey all,

    Due to complications beyond our control, our 21.2 release is still not available for users on Google Play. At this time, we still do not have an ETA for the release, but are continuing to work with our partners to get this sorted out as soon as we possibly can.

    Without the Update, it is not possible for users to take part in the Trials of the Alchemist, which is the 7th and final day of Trials.

    To compensate for this, we will be allowing all Android users to access and participate in an additional and exclusive Trials of the Alchemist Qquest that will take place on February 6th, at 12pm PST. This is to make up for the Trials of the Alchemist that they are currently missing.

    Additionally, we will be locking the current Trials of the Alchemist to iOS users only. This is a precaution we want to take in case users are able to access the Quest with little time left, and lose their Essences, and to prevent an unfair double dip.

    We’re very sorry for this delay, and are working as hard as we can to get all users into our new release as soon as possible.

    Thank you all for your patience.

    Thx for responding at least...ill look forward to Feb 6th then question though we both know those essences are very important today... will this extra day on Feb 6th just give us all the boosts we acquired throughout the week like the ones we acquired for today?

    Very very very important... please let us know this one so we're not screwed on the 6th thx in advance
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