I hope the game devs realize that something like this is seriously wrong.

6* champs should never be outgunned by 4* champs. It’s like a Ferrari 250 GTO being outguned and outclassed by a Toyota Prius.
Either beef up the purely garbage champs like Storm, Deadpool, Cyclops, etc. or remove them from the 6* pool altogether.
Whoever in the Kabam team decided there should be 6*s meant to be just for arena use clearly doesn’t have a vision or is clueless about what 6*s purpose should be.

Either beef up the purely garbage champs like Storm, Deadpool, Cyclops, etc. or remove them from the 6* pool altogether.
Whoever in the Kabam team decided there should be 6*s meant to be just for arena use clearly doesn’t have a vision or is clueless about what 6*s purpose should be.

Thor doesn't deal much Damage without putting some Armor Breaks on the opponent, but when he does, he can really do some damage!
We're not going to remove these Champions from the Crystal, but as you can see, have been working on updating some of our under performing Champions over time.
That’s not say, “don’t put 6* champs unless they are top champs”. It’s only stating there’s a lack of diversity to have those duplicate type of champs as 6* (or any star level for that matter).
I don’t have a 6* cyclops (knock on wood) so it’s not a personal request. I do feel for those that have him and then pull the other version....
I am trying my best to see your point, really, but it’s hard to stay motivated when you wait 5-6 months to pull a 6* and they end up in arena.
Maybe at some point in the future have the option to sell 6*s for large chunks of 5* shards, T5B, T2As or T4CCs. I’m willing to sell an arena only 6* to help R4 or R5 a better 5*.
@Kabam Miike This is fair, but there are so many champs that have zero use in the game in its current state. I love that you're doing both the Spider-Gwen and She-Hulk buff AND the phantom Gamora buff. I'd really like to see more of this in the future. Champs like Colossus, Magneto, Iron Fist, Juggernaut, etc. have little to no value or use in the game.
These should be the "WORST" 6*s you can get:
Winter Soldier, Yellow Jacket, Gamora, CA IW, Nebula, Black Bolt, Juggernaut, Cable, Loki, Bishop, Elektra, Miles, Civil Warrior, Drax
Storm, Rocket, Iron Fist, Daredevil, Beast, Thor (Jane Foster), Karnak, Punisher 2099, Cyclops, Magneto, Moon Knight, Rhino, Antman, Hulkbuster
I honestly think very few would complain with this proposed changes. You can still get so-so champs but at least they're not garbage like the ones I'm suggesting to be removed.
Bro, all you ever do is stick up for kabam even of they mess up