Kabam is now able to bypass champion immunities

x8punishment8xx8punishment8x Member Posts: 15
edited March 2019 in Bugs and Known Issues
I recently messaged Kabam a help ticket regarding what i presumed to be a bug with this month's Event Quest. Many of you are aware of the EMP Modification for Ronan which allows him to place passive shock debuffs on attackers if they have Active buffs on them. Considering this i decided to bring my Corvus Glaive since he is immune to shock debuffs, but i realized i was taking damage even though his glaive IMMUNITIES were active.
The response i recieved from Kabam was that this was "working as intended" and that because they were Passive, Corvus is not immune to the effects.
This again felt wrong.
My retort was as follows:
[Removed by moderator as per forum rules.]

So...as i said... this seems pretty shady if it is true that now, Champion immunities can be bypassed with "Local Node Debuffs."
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


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  • x8punishment8xx8punishment8x Member Posts: 15
    Face Me does activate. I have tried it. And you're right. Their response does not follow with any kind of logic. The Corvus issue is just the tip of the iceberg if they are openly saying that Immunities can be bypassed if they are simply made passive.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019

    The Corvus issue is just the tip of the iceberg if they are openly saying that Immunities can be bypassed if they are simply made passive.

    Not at all. CG is immune to the damage from the listed debuffs, he has no immunities to what’s listed. Keywords, damage and debuffs, he still takes the debuff but it does no damage to him, he’s not immune like somone who is shock immune, he’s damage immune from debuffs specifically, not effects(passives)

    In the case of Korg/Thing they are both immune to shock and will not even take the passive effect from the node.

    Super complicated to understand but once you grasp it, it’ll click. There are negative effects and there are debuffs, there are effects and there are buffs. Debuff is noun here, not a verb.

    We're in Kabamland and if you want to understand their language you need to understand their definitions.

    *And don’t put any stock in the second response from support, obviously has no idea what he’s saying. Passive poison (doesn’t exist) won’t poison someone who is immune.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    So, I'm gonna clear this once again, and you'll may understand better.

    "Debuffs are debuffs". That is correct.
    "Whether they are active or passive" - that is wrong.

    A debuff is an active ability. It can't be passive if is active. So "passive debuffs" don't exist. Same thing can be applied to buffs as well.
    In Corvus abilities, you can see that his immunity only works against shock debuff. Meaning, it should not work against passive shock, since it is not a debuff and will not interact as one.

    Passive bleeds also bypass his immunity, and that is intended as well.
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    "This is why poison immune Champions can still be poisoned since the debuff is on the local node."

    There is no node I've found after almost every uncollected quest and 100% variant that can cause Iceman, Gladiator Hulk, etc. to take poison. There is something very wrong with the response.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Yes, the response is misleading and has false wording on it
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,799 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019

    I recently messaged Kabam a help ticket regarding what i presumed to be a bug with this month's Event Quest. Many of you are aware of the EMP Modification for Ronan which allows him to place passive shock debuffs on attackers if they have Active buffs on them. Considering this i decided to bring my Corvus Glaive since he is immune to shock debuffs, but i realized i was taking damage even though his glaive IMMUNITIES were active.
    The response i recieved from Kabam was that this was "working as intended" and that because they were Passive, Corvus is not immune to the effects.
    This again felt wrong.
    My retort was as follows:
    [Removed by moderator as per forum rules.]

    So...as i said... this seems pretty shady if it is true that now, Champion immunities can be bypassed with "Local Node Debuffs."

    Its not a bug. Hes only immune to shock debuffs I.e Thor jabe foster, Thor rags or nebula. Passive shock is an ability/effect, not an actual debuff. Corvus' abilities state hes immune to shock DEBUFFS. It's important to know the difference.
    Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, apologies for any confusion there might be about Corvus Glaive. To clear things up, he is immune to the damage from Shock Debuffs while he has Glaive Charges. Debuffs are different than Passive Effects though, so he would not be immune to the damage from Shock Passive Effects. Buffs and Debuffs can be recognized by the light ring around their icons when they are applied, while Passive Effects will not have it.
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